Ethan Plath Shares ‘Dagger’ & Pain In Recent Update, Is He OK?

Ethan Plath told Olivia Meggs Plath on Welcome to Plathville, that he couldn’t bear to breed kids with her. Ultimately, they got divorced, and he still carries his pain with him. However, he’s a taking road trip with that pain. Will he finally blow away the cobwebs of despair that his marriage caused him?

Ethan Plath Talks About The Pain Of Olivia

Although it was Olivia Plath’s husband who wanted out of the marriage, that doesn’t mean the TLC star has no heartbreak. Obviously, he loved Olivia when they married. While they both came from religious families, she changed her views. Meanwhile, he remained rooted in his faith. They differed in politics and religion. So, they went their separate ways, and he still nurses his pain despite smiling for Instagram pics.

Ethan Plath - YouTube
Ethan Plath – Welcome to Plathville – TLC -YouTube

Ethan Plath found joy in fixing up old cars, but Olivia Plath resented that. She moved him away from his family and discouraged him from messing about with cars. Actually, many tLC critics believed she separated him from what he loved so she could control him. But now, he’s free to enjoy anything on wheels, so he’s taking a road trip on his motorbike.

Welcome To Plathville Star Gets Symbolic On Road Trip

On Thursday, June 11, the TLC star took to his Instagram profile page and shared a lot of photos of his motorbike. He’d previously said that he looked forward to the warmer months to enjoy the freedom of a road trip.

Ethan Plath talks about feeling free again. - Instagram
Ethan Plath talks about feeling free again. – Instagram

Finally, Olivia Plath’s ex is ready to roll on his road trip. He posted a lot of photos of the bike. But, many of them revealed a dagger-shaped knife. When a TLC fan asked him,“@ethan.plath what significance does the dagger shown have for you?”, he replied:

It signifies pain

Ethan Plath - Instagram
Ethan Plath – Instagram

Ethan Plath had said in his main caption:

Here’s a photo dump of my latest project. A rack that I built for my Harley Nightster that will hold all my luggage, spare gasoline, and my tent and sleeping bags on my cross country trip from Maine to California.

In the comments, Welcome to Plathville fans said some encouraging things to him:

  • God will take away your pain and someday provide you with a soul mate where you both are like-minded and evenly yoked. Have a safe trip and glad you are back on Instagram.
  • Good for you. The freedom you feel on a Motorcycle is something you have to experience. It can’t be explained. Just stay hydrated💙🏍️
  • It’s great to see you in your happy place. The best years are yet to come. Take your time and enjoy your life doing what makes you happy. Love the bike!!

What are your thoughts on Ethan Plath crafting and attaching a knife symbol to mount on his motorbike for his road trip? Did you know that a knife could symbolize pain? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for mall your Welcome to Plathville news.

James Michael

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