Honey Boo Boo: Okay With Dralin’s Sketchy Past?

Honey Boo Boo/YouTube

Yesterday, it was revealed that Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson’s boyfriend had been arrested back in 2019. It was unclear if Alana or her family knew of these charges when they started dating. Now, the sixteen-year-old is speaking out but is she fine with his sketchy past? Read on to find out more.

Honey Boo Boo’s Older Man With The Shady Past

Fans were stunned when Alana started dating Dralin who was twenty at the time. She had to wait until she was sixteen to even begin dating but had met him prior to that. They were introduced through mutual friends and immediately hit it off. Soon, they were talking all of the time and it seemed evident he would be her first date. Sensing a connection, Alana’s older sister and guardian, Pumpkin jumped on it and found his number. She met up with Dralin and let him know he was going to respect her younger sister. He seemingly obliged, even showing up for the teen’s sweet sixteen.

Honey Boo Boo/YouTube

The family took really well to Dralin with Alana’s aunt Doe Doe and her sister, Anna claiming they loved him. Her mother, Mama June admitted she liked him a lot. However, she did admit she wished he was much more stable when it came to working and having a job. He fit in so well with the family that he traveled to California with Pumpkin and company earlier in the month. Dralin even attended the paid fan meet and greets and assisted with Pumpkin’s new twins.

Honey Boo Boo/YouTube

Unfortunately, he posted something offputting on Instagram last month. No one knew exactly what it meant but his past was about to resurface. In 2019, he was arrested for statutory rape when he was caught sleeping with his then-fifteen-year-old girlfriend. Her mother found him and because he was eighteen, Dralin was arrested. Eventually, he completed a program, and, as of late 2021, the case was dismissed. Now, Alana is speaking out on the whole mess.

Supportive Girlfriend?

Honey Boo Boo has yet to actually acknowledge what happened in 2019 with Dralin and his underage ex. However, she has spoken out in support of their relationship. In an interview with People, she had this to say: “In our relationship, the two most things that everybody is always talking about is our age gap and definitely because he’s Black and I’m white and we’re an interracial couple.” As for all of the scrutiny, she went on to add: “I don’t care. Because, like, at the end of the day, my sister approves, his mom approves, and we’re happy, so what fans got to say or what haters got to say I don’t really care.”

Honey Boo Boo/YouTube

Maybe she does not care about all of that but she might want to care about this. It is presumed that she knows as the case was dismissed early into their relationship. Her family does love TikTok so maybe one of them will speak out after the finale this evening. Do you think Alana cares or does she not want to draw attention to it? Let us know and watch the Mama June: Road to Redemption season finale tonight on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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