Mama June & Husband, Justin Get Their Freak On For Fans

Justin Stroud, June Shannon, Mama June - YouTube

Mama June Shannon and Justin Stroud seem like an oddly matched couple. Apart from their common drug addiction, their age gap makes WeTV fans scoff at them. So, now they are getting their freak on for Mama June: Family Crisis fans and there were some bad reactions. Read on to find out more.

WeTV Fans Start Changing Their Minds About Justin

The new husband of June Shannon met with a lot of hate when he first appeared on the show. However, now that he blasted June for taking Alana Thompson’s money, they wonder if he is a good guy. Additionally, he helped Kaitlyn, the grandchild of June Shannon, do her hair for a middle school dance.

Mama June, Justin Stroud/YouTube
Mama June, Justin Stroud  – WETV YouTube

Still, Mama June: Family Crisis fans don’t want to see the couple getting sexy with each other. So, when that sort of thing turns up in timelines, some people think it’s awful. Additionally, they don’t like that June Shannon showers her husband with expensive gifts, and he starts to do a lot of marketing on TikTok. 

Mama June Shannon Gets Her Freak On, Freaks Fans Out

On Instagram, Page Six and Justin shared a reel of the WeTV couple getting their freak on. June Shannon wore a nice apricot-colored dress, while Justin Stroud wore black long pants and a t-shirt. He got behind her and they ground their way through Tinashe’s Nasty. It turns out, not every Mama June: Family Crisis fan appreciated it.

Mama June, Justin Stroud Getting Their Freak On - Instagram
Mama June, Justin Stroud Getting Their Freak On – Instagram

Page Six wrote:

When you find someone that matches your freak @mamajune 🤝 @officialsmallz1

In the comments, Mama June fans had their say:

  • One thing about Justin, he always have his fresh Kicks, fresh pants fresh crisp T-shirt, and all sponsorship by mama June’s daughters.
  • we didnt ask for any of this.
  • Has she paid her daughter back yet?
  • What the hell???
  • Cringgggggeeee.
  • She got them lower case teeth and upper case gums.

Fans Seem Irritated By June Shannon

At the moment, more anger seems directed at June Shannon. Possibly, it’s because she separated her grandchild, Kaitlyn from her half-sister, Kylee. That came after her daughter, Anna Cardwell passed away. Additionally, they seem upset because Alana Thompson lost the money that she needed for college.

Last year, WeTV fans slammed Mama June for overloading her social media with loving messages about Justin. Meanwhile, she shared next to nothing about her kids for months on end. Admittedly, at the time, they seemed to be on the outs with her because she married Justin. That seems to have changed now, but fans have long memories.

What are your thoughts on Justin Stroud and June Shannon getting their groove on for fans? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Mama June: Family Crisis news.

James Michael

One Comment

  1. I think June should be let go from the show. Her girls can continue the show without June, she hasn’t done anything for them in all the years of this show, and has done nothing to be the main character of this show. I feel continuing to pay this POS is ridiculous, as she continues to gain weight and do drugs. There should be amoral clause for her.

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