Ryan Seacrest Shares ‘AI’ Best Host As ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Fans Reject Him

Ryan Seacrest - American Idol - Instagram

American Idol came to a close and Ryan Seacrest is riding high ahead of his new show, Wheel of Fortune. He shared a post that revealed the talent show thought he was the best host on reality TV. Well, the jury is still out on whether he’ll ever best Pat Sajak on the game show.

Ryan Seacrest Praised Pat Sajak On Friday

On Friday, the American Idol host, who takes over on Wheel of Fortune in September, shared a tribute to Pat Sajak. He said some nice things about a lifetime career of excellence. On Instagram, Ryan said that Pat “set the standard for hosts everywhere.”

Ryan Seacrest shares Pat Sajak's farewell from Wheel Of Fortune - Instagram
Ryan Seacrest shares Pat Sajak’s farewell from Wheel Of Fortune – Instagram

Unfortunately for Ryan Seacrest, Wheel of Fortune fans are not happy with him, and they want him to step down before he takes over. Actually, it was Kelly Ripa on her Live ABC talk show who raised the first concerns. If you don’t know, she claimed that he can’t spell. Well, right now, Ryan’s feeling good that at least American Idol execs like him as a host.

American Idol Host Shares Post Praising Him

The Sun spotted an Instagram story and screenshot it for their readers. The outlet noted that the American Idol account shared it first. And later, Ryan popped it up in his own stories. The post showed several of the contestants. The title of the post said, “Such an incredible season.” Under the photos, it also said:


Ryan Seacrest might take heat for sharing it, but the American Idol account had tagged him. The current waves of hate that go his way are mostly not from Idol fans but from Wheel of Fortune viewers. And of course, fans of his ex, Aubrey Paige also diss the ABC host.

ABC fans hated that Aubrey was so much younger than Ryan. Then, when they split, they hated that as well. Aubrey seems to try and stay positive, but he clearly hurt her in some way. Still, no matter how many fans complain, it’s unlikely that the American Idol host will lose his job on WOF because fans don’t like him at the moment.

People don’t like change. So, that isn’t helping Ryan’s popularity with fans who love the game show. It’s not like Pat Sajak was immune from criticism, either. Perhaps critics just come with the job because the stakes are high.

What are your thoughts about Ryan Seacrest sharing a post that claimed he was the best host? Do you think he might get that sort of praise from Wheel of Fortune fans? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Wheel of Fortune and American Idol news.

James Michael

One Comment

  1. Seacrest is a slime ball. He was accused of SA by a former assistant of his during the height of the “me too” movement and all of sudden that story disappeared! Sajak has set an amazing precedent for game show hosts, but Seacrest will ruin WOF. Please look elsewhere. Find someone who can spell, has a sense of humor and a quick wit. All qualities Seacrest does NOT possess.

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