Ryan Seacrest Hints At Katy Perry’s ‘American Idol’ Replacement

Ryan Seacrest - Instagram

American Idol Season 22 ended this week, and Ryan Seacrest mentioned something about Katy Perry’s replacement. She announced her departure in February and speculation about who will replace her as a judge is getting intense. As Ryan talked about a replacement during the finale, it seems certain that Season 23 will probably go ahead.

American Idol Season 22 Got People Talking Katy

Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie allegedly got so heated over who might replace Katy Perry that the American Idol judges were at a disagreement over it. Of course, fans of the talent show also discussed who they’d like to see on the panel. Jon Bon Jovi was one of them.

Katy Perry at the finale of American Idol Season 22 - ABC - Twitter
Katy Perry at the finale of American Idol Season 22 – ABC – Twitter

Ryan Seacrest already commented about Katy Perry leaving American Idol. Speaking with Fox News, he said that the showrunners would miss her. He also added that she “brought an amazing generosity and love and big heart, that kind of spirit to the show.” So, he hoped her replacement might have a similar impact.

Ryan Seacrest Hinted Katy Perry’s Replacement?

A whole bunch of performers celebrated the three-hour finale of Season 22. They certainly sent off Katy Perry in a nice way. By the way, it was Abi Carter who won the season, and she broke down in tears on Ryan’s shoulder with joy.

During the finale, Ryan Seacrest spoke about how the next season would see some changes on the judges’ panel. Per Meaww:

He hinted that several prominent figures in the music industry are under consideration. Speculations have been swirling around names like Jennifer Lopez and Taylor Swift potentially joining the judging panel. Additionally, Seacrest noted that some fans have expressed interest in seeing Jordin Sparks, the 2007 ‘American Idol’ winner, as a judge.

If Jon Bon Jovi was too expensive, Taylor Swift would probably be as well. Was the mention of Jordin Sparks a massive hint? Back in February, Jordin Sparks put her hand up for the job as a judge. She’s been around since she won Season 6 in 2007. On social media, she said the execs could “put her name in the hat.”

Jordin Sparks - Steve Harvey Show - YouTube
Jordin Sparks – Steve Harvey Show – YouTube

Jordin Sparks has done very well since her win on American Idol, and she knows the ropes of the industry. Of course, she also knows Ryan Seacrest. Perhaps fans would enjoy seeing a former competitor on the talent show. Sometimes, they return as guest performers but one on the judges’ panel might be good as well.

What are your thoughts about Ryan Seacrest specifically mentioning Jordin Sparks? Is that a massive hint that she might end up on the panel? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your American Idol Season 23 news.

James Michael

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