‘Farmer Wants A Wife’ Megan Spills On Ty’s Talk After Reunion

Megan Lay - Farmer Wants A Wife - Instagram

Recently, the reunion episode for Farmer Wants A Wife came out for viewers to see the four farmers and their final ladies reunited. While some of the relationships are going swimmingly, a few of them aren’t. Undeniably, when Ty Ferrell broke it off with Megan Lay, it was tense with the insinuation that they were “just friends.” During the reunion, many of those feelings had to bubble back up with the interaction of the cast. But now, Megan is spilling the tea on her and Ty after the reunion.

Farmer Wants A Wife Comes To An End By Sharing Some New Beginnings

Since the reunion, many of the Farmer Wants A Wife cast have said they are bonded for life. While not all the ladies could meet their prince charming through this process, a couple were able to snag a potential husband. Both Taylor BeDell and Sydney Errera were lucky in love with their farmers, Nathan Smothers and Mitchell Kolinsky. However, Grace Girard didn’t get the same happily ever after to her story. While Grace and Brandon Rogers both acknowledge how wonderful the other person is, Brandon ultimately doesn’t get the strong relationship vibe from her he was hoping to see. But poor Megan Lay was blind-sided in the finale with a brutal “friend zone” that left her a little tender when revisiting the end-of-season reunion. Excitingly, Taylor and Sydney are busy making plans with their farmers, but what happened with Megan and Ty after the reunion?

During Farmer Wants A Wife Ty Ferrell and Megan Lay were growing closer. - Fox
During Farmer Wants A Wife, Ty Ferrell and Megan Lay were growing closer. – Fox

Megan Lay Spills On Ty Ferrell’s Talk After Reunion

After the Farmer Wants A Wife reunion, Megan Lay talks about where she and Ty Ferrell stand now. Admittedly, Megan says she and Ty didn’t talk once the filming was over at the reunion. However, a few days later, she said that Ty texted her and asked, “How are you doing?” Understandably, her immediate response to him was, “Not good.” But that didn’t scare Ty away. When Megan was interviewed with the  Discover Ag podcast she explained that Ty called her up to check on her in a better fashion than text. Furthermore, it wasn’t just a short conversation with only surface chit-chat.

Taylor BeDell, Megan Lay, and Grace Girard interview with Discover Ag. - Instagram
Taylor BeDell, Megan Lay, and Grace Girard interview with Discover Ag. – Instagram

Instead, it is a full-blown hash out of the simmering feelings that were left behind after Farmer Wants A Wife. Megan shared they were on the phone for five to six hours to get to the bottom of it. They both explained their sides. Additionally, Megan elaborates and says she was deeply angry at Ty for reassuring her throughout the entire process that she was going to the finale, only to get a kick in the teeth by the discovery he feels they are only friends. She feels he could have worded things differently along the way to lessen the pain. Undoubtedly, she thinks his actions aren’t acceptable even to a friend. But she truly wants good things for Ty. She doesn’t wish anything bad for him, conversely, she hopes he finds his forever person someday.

Ty Ferrell admits there was conflict behind the scenes and he was relieved when some ladies left. - Instagram
Ty Ferrell admits there was conflict behind the scenes and he was relieved when some ladies left. – Instagram

Farmer Wants A Wife Is A Part Of Megan Lay And Ty Ferrell’s History

Although Megan Lay spills about her and Ty Ferrell‘s resolution, she wishes him well as she moves on. Even though they had a connection on Farmer Wants A Wife, Magen recognizes it is just part of their history now. During the Discover Ag podcast, she also hard-launches her new boyfriend. Admittedly, he didn’t watch the show and she is happy that is the case. Their meeting was through a mutual friend connection online. While he isn’t a farmer, she is very excited to see where it goes.

Farmer Wants A Wife star, Megan Lay introduces he new boyfriend, Joe. - Instagram
Farmer Wants A Wife star, Megan Lay introduces he new boyfriend, Joe. – Instagram


What do you think about Megan Lay and Ty Ferrell’s relationship now? Are you excited for Megan and her new boyfriend? Are you ready to see more episodes of Farmer Wants A Wife? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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