Mama June Accused Of Trying To Hold Back Honey Boo Boo

Honey Boo Boo and Mama June / YouTube

On the latest episode of Mama June: Family Crisis, June Shannon questioned Alana “Honey Boo  Boo” Thompson leaving now for college. While Alana has a scholarship awaiting her in Colorado, Mama June had plenty of reasons why going there now was a bad idea.

However, fans were not having it and many accused her of holding Alana back. Here is what Mama June said and what Honey Boo Boo decided to do.

Mama June Wants Honey Boo Boo To Wait On College

Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson has a college scholarship to pursue a nursing degree. This is Alana’s dream college and she is ready to go. However, her mother has other ideas. According to June Shannon, there are several reasons why Alana needs to wait to start her college journey.

Honey Boo Boo and Mama June / YouTube

June listed some pretty good reasons for Alana to wait. First up, there is a chance that Honey Boo Boo’s boyfriend Dralin Carswell might not be able to accompany her to Colorado. He was charged with fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, DUI, and giving false information to a law enforcement officer. June said that he might not be able to go depending on his bondsman.

Second, June pointed out that Alana needs to apply for a house or apartment before leaving. However, it seems that Pumpkin is on Alana’s side. She says Alana could live in hotels until she finds a place to live. This could be complicated though. Hotels are not cheap and Alana learned she needs a lot more money for her dream college in Colorado.

When Alana called her college to let them know she was accepting the scholarship, they had some bad news. She will get a $21,000 scholarship to the college. However, she also has to pay an additional $11,000 a semester in tuition. This means that she would need to pay for the hotel until she gets a place to live and still come up with $11,000 a semester to get her education. Her rent will average about $2,200 a month in Colorado

Fans Are Not Listening To Mama June

While Mama June brought up some interesting reasons for Honey Boo Boo to wait, fans feel she is just trying to hold Alana back.

Fans lashed out at Mama June on social media for her warnings to Honey Boo Boo.

  • “June is acting like millions of high school graduates don’t go off to college out of start every year and do fine.”
  • “Shame on June for talking negative on Alana she just can’t be proud of her that she made the right decision that she’s going to Colorado”
  • “June is the last person to be lecturing someone about getting their stuff in order….you ain’t been mama this whole time but NOW you want to do it!”

As for the money, there is a way that Alana can get money to pay for her living expenses and college. She has what is called a Coogan account. She has to ask Mama June for this money. A Coogan account is where money a child performer makes in states like California is placed in an account until they are adults to keep it safe.

What are your thoughts on Honey Boo Boo going to Colorado right now for her college? Do you think Mama June made good points, or is she trying to hold Alana back? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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