‘Unexpected’ Alex Teaching Layla Sickening Habits, N-Word & More

Alex Wilson Unexpected

Alex Wilson and Tyra Boisseau maintain a very strange relationship, TLC Unexpected fans agree. After all, they seem on good terms, despite him and Hanna Cole reportedly welcoming a child. One thing he does do, however, is help to raise their daughter Layla. But now, fans fear he’s taught her some really bad habits and words.

Alex Wilson Seemed Like A Good Dad

Tyra and her boyfriend Alex debuted in Season 3. Tyra Boisseau ended up having a baby girl named Layla, but her baby daddy cheated on her after they purchased a home. So, people thought it was very odd that she revealed he was back and living under the same roof as her. For confused TLC fans, they could only assume he co-parenting motivated the move. Until recently, many people thought that if nothing else, he’s a good dad to Layla.

Most people liked Alex Wilson when he debuted on the TLC show, but over time, he became something of a villain. Much like Matthew Blevins and Max Schenzel, he seemed to go downhill in reputation. Now, after a recent livestream, Unexpected fans feel very angry about poor parenting by Alex and Tyra Boisseau. They might have been young when Tyra fell pregnant at 18, but neither of them are still kids, after all.

TLC Unexpected Star Livestreams With Layla, N-Word

On Instagram, the admin for @tlcunexpectedteaa revealed two clips of Layla. In their caption, they explained what was going on with Layla:

During Alex’s live Layla lifted her shirt up and stuck up her middle fingers at the camera. In the second video Layla also said the N word because Alex said it. Thoughts?

To say that Unexpected fans felt angry about Alex Wilson is probably an understatement.

  • Why isn’t her mother doing something about this? Cause like um noo!
  • Did he say β€œstand up nigga” to his daughter? 😳 and then she said β€œno you stand up nigga.” I think he was shook when he heard her say it back 🀣 poor parenting at its finest.
  • Lifted her shirt?? What????? That is insane. The other stuff, kids show off. It happens. What on earth would make her think to lift her shirt tho? Too weird….. that worries me.
  • I couldn’t imagine posting something like this at all, let alone when you have such a public page. Protect your kids.
  • Trashy parenting smh. Dad should be a better influence


What are your thoughts about cute little Layla being taught bad words and gestures? Do you think she only learned them from Alex Wilson? What about Tyra Boisseau? Why isn’t she doing something about it? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your TLC Unexpected news.Β 

James Michael

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