Truth About Jon Gosselin Exposed In New Interview With Girlfriend

Jon Gosselin / YouTube

In a new interview, Jon Gosselin has revealed some secrets about his life that he has been hiding from fans for a few years now. This interview also included a person that fans had not had a chance to meet yet – his new girlfriend. In the wide-ranging interview, Jon talked about his family, his life, and his plans for the future.

Here is what Jon Gosselin revealed in his new interview.

Jon Gosselin has a new girlfriend

Jon Gosselin conducted the ET interview with his new girlfriend Stephani Lebo. However, the truth is that she isn’t his “new” girlfriend. Jon and Stephanie have been dating for two years now and just kept it private. When asked why they didn’t let anyone know they were dating, Jon said they wanted privacy in their lives as they got to know each other and grow together.

Jon Gosselin and Stephanie Lebo / YouTube

Stephanie was asked what her mom thought about her dating Jon. She joked that her mom doesn’t move around very fast, but she moved fast when she heard. She said her mom asked why she would want to date Jon. However, Stephanie said that is all in the past because Jon talks to her mom more than she does now and that her mom probably knows more about their relationship than she does.

The two were then asked about the future. When asked if he would ever get married again, Jon said yes, he would. When Stephanie was asked the same question, she said she would also love to be married again. They then said, “This is a forever thing.” However, there will be one non-negotiable. Neither Jon nor Stephanie wants to have more kids. Stephanie said they were ready to live and Jon weighed “beach house” with “more kids” and said it was an easy decision.

Jon says how he really feels about Kate Gosselin

Jon Gosselin was also pretty open about his ex-wife Kate Gosselin in the interview. Her name came up when talking about his son Colin. Kate had Colin institutionalized as a grade school student when she considered him uncontrollable. After three years locked away from his family, Jon finally got him freed and took custody of Colin for himself. He was asked about things that Kate and his daughter Mady recently said about Colin.

Jon said he was disappointed to hear Mady make abuse claims against Colin. He said that Mady hadn’t seen Colin since he was in the fourth grade, and he didn’t understand why she would make harmful claims about someone she hadn’t had any contact with in years. Then he said he did know, saying it was all Kate’s words coming out of Mady’s mouth.

When Jon was asked what Kate Gosselin thought about his new girlfriend, Jon said he had no idea. He said he hadn’t spoken to Kate since 2018. The interview then showed a clip of Kate mocking Jon’s breathing in an interview they had conducted together in the past. Jon said he doesn’t know or care what she thinks about him at all.

What do you think about Jon Gosselin and his new girlfriend? What are your thoughts on their future plans? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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