‘Golden Bachelor’ Theresa Nist Spotted Under Police Escort

Golden Bachelor couple, Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner filed their divorce a week ago and since then, she has been seen going home under police escort. There are a lot of disappointed ABC fans, so perhaps she’s been getting a lot of hate or even death threats. Plus, it doesn’t help that influencers like Tyler Cameron dissed their split on television.

Theresa Nist & Gerry Turner Get A Lot Of Critics

It’s not just Tyler Cameron who feels upset that the marriage lasted only three months. Other influencers like Ashley Iaconetti also slammed the couple. In the minds of some ABC stars, and certainly in the minds of fans, is the feeling that the reasons given were fake. The Golden Bachelor stars claimed indecision about where to live caused the irretrievable breakdown.

Golden Bachelor couple Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner - Instagram
Golden Bachelor couple Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner – Instagram

Theresa Nist is 70 years old, and she has a job. Apparently, she wasn’t prepared to risk her income by moving away from New Jersey. Meanwhile, rumors started that Gerry Turner regretted marrying her in such a rush. Well, the amount of hate seems rather sad, but she still has some loyal supporters. Possibly, they feel unhappy, that a 70-year-old grandmother should require a police escort to move around.

Police Escort Gerry’s Ex-Wife Home

The Daily Mail UK reported that the Golden Bachelor star walked into her home with a police officer at her side. As she walked along, she kept her head down. You can see the photos on this link here. The fact that she obviously needs some security probably frightens the Golden Bachelor grandmother.

The Golden Bachelor Divorce Announcement - GMA - YouTube
The Golden Bachelor Divorce Announcement – GMA – YouTube

On social media., some ABC critics claim that Theresa Nist and Gerry Turner were required to marry as part of their contract. Meanwhile, others claim that Gerry Turner never really loved any of the women and just did the show for fame. Other partnerships from Bachelor Nation broke up over the years, but the problem is that they married so soon. So, people who invested their time cheering them on feel personally deprived.

While ABC fans rage about the divorce, Theresa Nist’s daughter, Jen Woolston seems more understanding. She said on social media that they have only good memories of her mom and Gerry Turner’s time together. As far as she’s concerned, Gerry and his family will remain part of their extended family.

No Statement Issued About The Police Escort

There hasn’t been a statement from Theresa about why she needs a police escort to get out and about. Perhaps, in time, the reasons will come to light. However, the media might drop the hot potato and not interview her about it. Additional rumors that she might end up as The Golden Bachelorette seem remote, given the massive outpouring of anger from irate viewers.

What are your thoughts about Theresa Nist being escorted by a police officer on her journey home? Do you feel sad that it’s necessary for that? Could it be because she fears violence from angry fans of the ABC show? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Golden Bachelor news.

James Michael


      1. I think they should have to pay back for that big trip they got! This was all a joke! They didn’t even know each other and decided to get married! He looked like a fake All that crying! My Gosh! He told her in the suites he was picking her like he was a prize!!!! He ruined it for her! If he’s retired why can’t he go to where she is and then to his place some. It’s more to this than they are saying!!

  1. The marriage was a scam. In this day and age they should have lived together first. I don’t feel sorry for either of them

    1. Me neither. He just went through with it, I do think she really loved him or thought she did. To hard after that short of a time to mesh lives at that age!

  2. I am so sorry for the 2 of them.
    They looked so lovely together.
    I am convinced that they will work it out.
    They belong together in my book.
    There is a lot of haters out there.
    Everyone needs to leave them alone and let them FIGURE it out.

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