‘WCTH’ Spoilers: Chris McNally’s Future On Show Revealed

Photo: Chris McNally Credit: ©2022 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Astorga

When Calls The Heart fans were shocked last night when Elizabeth told Lucas that she wouldn’t be leaving Hope Valley with him. It looks like these two are over. Now fans want to know if Chris McNally is leaving the show or not. It has been confirmed if he is back for Season 11 or not. Do you want to see him return?

Viewers Worried Lucas Is Leaving

The viewers of When Calls The Heart are worried that Lucas is going to win the race for Governor and leave the show completely. It looks like he will win the race and be moving on. Elizabeth told him that she won’t be leaving Hope Valley with him and it looks like their engagement is off. This has fans wondering if Chris McNally is leaving the show or if he will be back for Season 11.

Will Chris McNally Be Back Next Season?

In a new interview on YouTube, it was confirmed if Chris McNally will be back next season or not. Brian Bird confirmed that Chris will be back next season for Season 11. He explained that Lucas is bound for a bigger stage. They figured out a lot about what would happen in Season 11 before they finished Season 10.

It was revealed that they found a heartbreaking story that showed them growing apart. It ended up being a heartbreak. One big thing that was revealed is that they now get to follow a bigger story for Chris McNally into Season 11. This confirms that he will be back again next season of the show. This is what fans have been waiting to hear. They wanted to know if he would be back or not and if Lucas will be back.

The big question is if he will be in Hope Valley or not and nobody knows that for sure. They could decide to change things up and let him live in Hope Valley and be Governor. The other option is that they could follow his storyline to where he has to move and he could be back and forth. It looks like his love story with Elizabeth may be done though.

Are you happy to hear that Chris McNally will be back for Season 11 of When Calls The Heart? Sound off in the comments below and don’t miss new episodes of WCTH on Sunday nights at 8 p.m. CST on Hallmark. Next week is the season finale of Season 10.

Mandy Robinson


  1. I like Lucas but I think his ambitions will get in the way and he want come back to Hope Valley. I think Nathan is a better choice for Elizabeth.

  2. You ruined the most precious love story ever!!!. It was all a lie!!!. We love Chris and Erin together. They brought so much joy to our lives!!!. They were like family!!!. I don’t even want to watch Erin in any movie!!!. It was the worst season ever!!!. How could you do this to us!!. How I feel and what I say won’t mean nothing to you!!!. You destroyed our beautiful love story!!!. Many people are very unhappy with what you have done!!!. Chris McNally and Erin is what kept this show together!!!. But you took that away from us!!!. You took all of the romance out and chose different paths!. I hate what you did!. I’m sorry but I can’t take this anymore!

    1. This is a bit dramatic. It is TV. Anything can happen. There are those of us who were not happy when she didn’t choose
      Nathan the first time around. But we continued to watch because after all you never know what is next. I like Lucas, but I have always felt he has had bigger aspirations. Nathan is more of the settled type. But you never know unless you watch.
      It is still an excellent show.

    2. Huge sense of betrayal and lies from wcth. To throw away a beautiful relationship full of potential killed us all. Dumping Lucas in 4 minutes at the end of S10-ep11 was evil and sickening. Many of us will not watch this crap show any longer. I have a real hate in my heart for Brian Bird, Elizabeth, the new show runner and the writers. I understand that it’s a program and not real but to us it was 10 years worth of dedication to something we believed in with our whole hearts. To go from an engagement to I can’t love you…sorry Lucas in such a small amount of time sucks. Elizabeth’s lame excuse was discussing. If they wanted her with the wooden soldier they should never have got engaged. Lucas got treated like shit. WCTH is dead to many of us now.

    3. Huge sense of betrayal and lies from wcth. To throw away a beautiful relationship full of potential killed us all. Dumping Lucas in 4 minutes at the end of S10-ep11 was evil and sickening. Many of us will not watch this crap show any longer. I have a real hate in my heart for Brian Bird, Elizabeth, the new show runner and the writers. I understand that it’s a program and not real but to us it was 10 years worth of dedication to something we believed in with our whole hearts. To go from an engagement to I can’t love you…sorry Lucas in such a small amount of time sucks. Elizabeth’s lame excuse was discusting. If they wanted her with the wooden soldier they should never have got engaged. Lucas got treated like shit. WCTH is dead to many of us now.

  3. yes I would like to see Lucas come back but he and Elizabeth be friends. I would like to see Elizabeth and Nathan together. Lucas has to come back he has his saloon to run. I do hope he can help Hope Valley with the water issue

  4. Lucas is an important part of the dynamic of WCTH. He picks up and reads people, Situations.
    This is an incredible show with morals, respect, family unit and the village we used to have to live in a way that everyone survives. Lucas is a huge part of that. Praying he does not leave!

  5. Not happy about the breakup. It is only a show, not real life. This is a good clean show the whole family can watch. Drama is keeps us watching. Really hope Chris doesn’t leave WCTH. Love him in anything he does.

  6. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. There may still be Hope for Lucas and Elizabeth. Just watch to find out.

  7. Sadly, I can’t say that I am a fan of the show anymore. I would have been fine with Elizabeth and Nathan, if she had originally chose him. This feels like a bait and switch. This whole season seems to have come out of left field and none of the story lines are cohesive with previous seasons. I give up. The reason I liked the show was due to it’s decent and solid stories, which no longer exist, instead it has become a soap opera, and not a very good one at that. I will bow out here. Good luck to the show and what ever happens on it, I surely will not know, as I no longer have an interest in it. What an utter disappointment.

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