‘Below Deck’ Ben Willoughby Leaves Bravo Show?

Ben Willoughby - Below Deck - Bravo - YouTube

In Season 10 of Below Deck, Ben Willoughby seemed okay working under Captain Sandy Yawn. However, in Season 11, he clashed with Captain Kerry Titheradge despite being given a promotion. Now it seems as if he won’t be back for Season 12. In fact, he might be off the Bravo show permanently. Read on to find out what’s happening.

Ben Willoughby Disappointed Captain Kerry

When Kerry Titheradge fired his bosun, Jared Woodin, Ben, the deckhand was offered the position. It could have been the making of a good leader, especially as Kerry seemed to mentor his crew to get ahead. However, it turned out that Ben wasn’t the right personality for the job. Bravo fans couldn’t help but notice that he put his captain down to his own subordinates. Actually, he seemed to have a problem with authority and it undermined the crew’s performance.

Ben Willoughby on Below Deck - YouTube
Ben Willoughby on Below Deck – YouTube

Ben Willoughby refused to make his bed and mocked the instructions to Kyle Stillie, a deckhand. That seemed wrong to many Bravo viewers. And, that hill seems to be the one that he picked to die on. He went online and raged about having to do that. Obviously, that annoyed Captain Kerry Titherage who fired back. So, it’s not a massive surprise to hear that he might have left the Below Deck series permanently.

Captain Kerry Titheradge Filming Season 12? Ben Won’t Be There?

Ben hit it off with Sunny Marquis and incredibly, they seem to still be together. However, when a Bravo fan filmed Kerry Titherage helming the St. David in St. Maarten, it was hard to make out all of the crew. Assuming it was Season 12, some people thought they spotted Sunny. However, there are some rumors that Ben was also there.

Ben Willoughby Hints leaving - Instagram
Ben Willoughby Hints leaving – Instagram

Ben Willoughby went onto his Instagram Stories recently and in a Q&A, Monsters and Critics noticed that he seemed unlikely to return. Answering a fan who wondered about Season 12, Ben told them “Don’t count on it.” That followed a long post on his Instagram profile page where he hinted to Below Deck fans that he probably wouldn’t be back.

Ben Willoughby Leaves Below Deck - Instagram
Ben Willoughby Leaves Below Deck Permanently?  – Instagram

The former Below Deck Bosun wrote:

Having some time to decompress from the last 2 years with below deck. It’s been so nice to finish up this journey. You can’t really tell someone what their experience will be with these type of reality tv shows, as each experience is different. One of which I wouldn’t trade for the world, being honestly grateful for the time I’ve spent on the scene and in front of the camera. As for now I know it’s not the last time I’ll be infront of a camera 🎥 I’d like to thank all the production staff for their countless hours around the clock to make these tv shows come to life

Bravo Fans Responded

In the comments section of the posts, Below Deck fans were not all happy to see this. But, others slammed him Here are some of their opinions:

  • Like you said when Alyssa got fired. “Good riddance honestly” glad you’ve left below deck.
  • I think Ben would fit in well with Cap. Jason! [on Below Deck Down Under.]
  • Jason would fire him within two weeks
  • Why no more? Loved watching you but that’s cause I love watching anyone on this show from Australia.

What are your thoughts about Ben Willoughby leaving the Bravo show? Do you think he’s gone forever? Or might he have made it into Season 12? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Below Deck news. 

James Michael

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