‘Seeking Sister Wife’ Fans Demand A Tell-All

Seeking Sister Wife - TLC - YouTube

Seeking Sister Wife fans see a lot of drama on the polyamorous TLC show, so they can’t understand why there’s no Tell-All at the end of the season. Now, they become angry because they want some of the tea that they missing out on.

Seeking Sister Wife Secrets Unnecessary

The TLC show was controversial from day one, but for some reason, the secrets of the relationships that were not shown seem cloaked in the backroom of the editors’ office. The earlier couples came with some drama. But, none came with the train wreck that is Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield.

Seeking Sister Wife Garrick & Dannielle Merrifield together feature
Seeking Sister Wife Dannielle Merrifield – TLC Seeking Sister Wife YouTube

Seeking Sister Wife brings a lot of drama with other characters in the TLC show. For instance, the orgy lifestyle of Nick Davis seems to edge on being some sort of cult. In fact, it annoys a lot of people that the only way to try and find a few more things about the couples is to follow them on social media.

Sister Wives Has A Tell-All

In May, fans started asking about a Tell-All for Season 5. However, it doesn’t seem as if one will happen. So now, TLC fans have started growing angry and are demanding that one happens. They simply can’t understand why it’s not happening. After all, Sister Wives gets one.

Seeking Sister Wife/YouTube
April, Nick Davis, Jennifer – YoiuTube Seeking Sister Wife

On Reddit, a Seeking Sister Wife fan wrote:

Why doesn’t this show do a Tell All? I am dying to see Ick confronted for his Brazilian fetish or more details on The Davises!

In the comments section, TLC fans expressed their frustration with the network. Here are some of their thoughts:

  • It’s actually really stupid they don’t do one for a show like this…
  • Can you imagine all the tea that would be told? Ugh we’d need like 10 parts!
  • And we get zero new information.
  • They did it one season at least… season 2, I believe. It’s so annoying that they didn’t continue…the show is definitely more popular now!
  • RIGHT? I just want them all together in the same room for a few hours.
  • I can only imagine it’s because the show is so completely fake that it doesn’t make sense to do one. Plus, since they never get the answers viewers want anyway (or ask those questions) they wouldn’t have much to talk about.
  • Because the show is scripted. They are paid actors. After the revelation with the Davis’s, I can’t even take the show seriously anymore.

What are your thoughts about the show not having a Tell-All? Do you agree that TLC should do one? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Seeking Sister Wife news.

James Michael

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