‘Golden Bachelor’ Theresa Nist Shares Secret Joy After Divorce

Theresa Nist On Her Hometown Date - ABC - YouTube

Theresa Nist clutched Gerry Turner’s arm and hand as he told the world that the Golden Bachelor marriage was over, but she seems to be keeping her head up and this week, she shared her secret source of joy. There has been a lot of hate and disappointment from fans after she and Gerry divorced after only three months. However, she’s still finding joy. Keep reading to find out more.

Theresa Nist Kept Her Personal Feelings Under Wraps

Since the divorce, people have been trying to guess what caused the split between the ABC stars. Some people always felt that Gerry Turner may not have been as great as everyone first believed. Meanwhile, others speculated that ABC paid the stars to get married quickly to boost the ratings. At the same time, others thought that finances might have been an issue. Either way, she’s been fairly quiet about the details.

Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist/Credit: ABC YouTube
Golden Bachelor Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist – Credit: ABC YouTube

Theresa Nist might have gotten a lot of hate after the divorce news. She was seen being escorted to her home by a police officer. As nobody knows the real truth about the split, it seems sad that the security needs arose. Still, she turns her mind elsewhere to find peace and joy.

Golden Bachelor Star Shares What Gives Her Joy

This week, the ABC star took to her Instagram account and shared some stunning photos of her garden. Additionally, she shared a long caption. While she didn’t mention Gerry Turner, The Golden Bachelor alum explained that her favorite activity brings her joy. And, she talked about the added benefits of gardening.

Golden Bachelor Theresa Nist Shares Her Garden - Instagram
Golden Bachelor Theresa Nist Shares Her Garden – Instagram

Theresa Nist wrote:

Gardening has been a constant source of joy in my life. It feeds my body, mind and soul. It does you a world of good. You’re out in fresh air and sunshine (or clouds and rain) and your hands are in dirt (wear gloves!) You’re getting plenty of exercise, pushing a wheelbarrow, pulling weeds, pulling the hose to water everything and walking everywhere. You’re nourishing the soil and nurturing plants to grow to their best ability.

The ABC star also talked about how it makes for a nice place to meditate and think things through. She explained that the best times come in “the early morning and at the end of the day.” Her daughter, Jen Woolston also loves sharing in her passion.

Golden Bachelor Fans React

Fans and colleagues seemed nice to Theresa in the comments. Here are some of them:

  • Good for you!
  • ❤️beautiful garden. Gardening is good for the soul and very therapeutic 💝 I tooo luv spending days in my garden.
  • Your garden is truly stunning Theresa🌸🥰🌸
  • Beautiful hydrangeas!! They are my favorite!! I have said I wanted to start doing some gardening!! You are an inspiration❣️❣️
  • What a beautiful garden! So zen & therapeutic! Enjoy! 💗💗

What do you think of Theresa Nist’s amazing garden? Did you know that she put so much time and effort into making her home look beautiful? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Golden Bachelor news.

James Michael


  1. I don’t think they should cancel the show but I do think they should have to date at least 12 months before marriage!! They can not meet on show and go run out in a month and get married! Unless you are just after who has money! It’s a lot to get to know each other and they should all have to date a year !!

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