Honey Boo Boo Disappoints Mama June & Pumpkin

Mama June, Honey Boo Boo, Pumpkin-YouTube

Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson is about to disappoint her sister, Pumpkin, and their mother, Mama June Shannon. It is usually June who is doing something outrageous and making her daughters livid. Now, it is Alana’s turn to flip the script on her family but how is she doing this? More so, what is she doing that has them disappointed in her? Read on for more details.

Honey Boo Boo Disappoints Mama June & Pumpkin

Mama June has had her battles with substance abuse, left her girls for different men, and got married without telling anyone. Plus, she pouted and put up a fight when she learned she would have to pay child support. This left Pumpkin to raise Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson and it has not been easy at all. Now that the show is filming her as a senior in high school, she is very demanding. She wants her nails and hair done plus she has expensive school activities. There’s also the fact that she won’t drive or get her license so she depends on everyone else.

Alana Thompson - Honey Boo Booi Instagram
Alana Thompson-Instagram

Pumpkin has been getting on Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson to apply to colleges as she wants better for her than she had. Alana is nervous that she won’t make the cut and won’t get into the neonatal nursing program she wants. Now, it is the season finale of Mama June: Family Crisis, and Alana has some big news for the family. According to The Sun, Alana drops a bomb that she has officially been accepted into college. Unfortunately for her family, it is in Colorado.

Pumpkin, Honey Boo Boo/Instagram
Pumpkin, Honey Boo Boo-Instagram

She had previously mentioned to Dr. Ish privately that the school she really wanted to go to was in Colorado. However, she was nervous that her boyfriend, Dralin Carswell would not stay with her. She also was nervous as to how her family would feel and to be so far away. After breaking the news to Pumpkin and Mama June, she reminds them that she was not going to stay in Georgia forever. Of course, Pumpkin is upset that her sister is moving so far away but Alana lets her know it has the best program for what she wants.

Moving On & Up

In order for Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson to attend this college, Pumpkin tells her that she has to come home every weekend. Then, Pumpkin and Mama June decide that they must move to Colorado. Clearly, there is no other option. Ultimately, Alana did announce she has gotten a 21K scholarship to Regis University and has been actively looking for a real estate agent there. As for whether or not Dralin will come with her or she will come home every weekend, that is yet to be seen.

Do you think Honey Boo Boo’s family overreacted to her college plans? Let us know and watch the season finale of Family Crisis Friday, July 14th on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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