Mark Consuelos Attracts Unexpected New Audience To ‘Live’

Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos, from Live with Kelly and Mark from ABC

Mark Consuelos is bringing in a brand new audience for Live with Kelly and Mark.

When Mark took over for Ryan Seacrest this year, fans already knew that things were going to change a bit. However, few could have anticipated that Mark Consuelos’ presence on the show would attract such a new demographic that Live hadn’t managed to reach before.

So who exactly is watching the talk show these days?

Mark Consuelos shifts the Live demographic a little

Kelly Ripa has noticed that something has changed on the Live set. Since Mark joined the cast as her cohost, more men are in attendance and are engaged with the program.

Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos, from Live with Kelly and Mark from ABC
Live with Kelly and Mark/ABC

Typically, daytime talk shows are more popular with women than men. That’s one thing Kelly Ripa has known after hosting Live for so many years. But now, it seems like things are different on set.

“I will say — I don’t know if it’s the Consuelos effect on this show but since you’ve been here, there have been a ton of men in the audience,” Kelly said during a recent Live episode. “This used to be a safe space for women. There was an entirely female audience and once in a while, a husband would sit very silently, afraid to move.”

Mark jumped in and joked that Live is now a “bro show” where men are welcome and don’t need to be afraid any longer.

Kelly went on to say that she and Mark attended a wrestling event and several men actually came up to them to chat about the show. She was surprised and didn’t think anyone at a wrestling event would care about Live.

Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos, and guests from Live with Kelly and Mark from ABC
Live with Kelly and Mark/ABC

“I want to say something — this is a safe place for women. But now, this is also a safe place for men. That’s how we should brand the show,” Mark proudly announced to the audience.

“Yes, thank god there’s a safe place for men, finally!” Kelly joked back.

The Live hosts try to keep the show fresh and fun

Although all Live viewers have differing opinions about the new format, many fans were pleased to learn about Mark Consuelos’ secret life during a recent episode.

Onscreen, Kelly announced that she had rediscovered a fun surprise while cleaning out her closet. She proudly showed the audience an old romance novel with Mark on the cover as the model. The audience went wild over the dramatic revelation and enjoyed listening to Mark discuss the job.

Although the show’s format is only a few months old, several viewers really seem to be enjoying Kelly and Mark’s chemistry on stage. And fun surprises like the romance novel definitely keep fans interested.

Have you enjoyed Mark Consuelos‘ presence on Live? Or do you miss the show’s old format? Share your thoughts in the comments and check back soon for more Live news and updates.

Nikole Behrens
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