Real Reason TLC Is Not Allowed To Film In Robyn Brown’s House?

Robyn Brown Sister Wives YouTube TLC

Sister Wives Season 17 has been all about Christine Brown’s decision to leave Kody. While most of the filming this season has been outdoors or with talking heads, fans have noticed something weird. This season, Robyn Brown and her children haven’t been filmed at all inside their house. What is the reason Robyn is keeping TLC cameras away from her house? Keep reading to find out the details!

Robyn And Kody’s House Is Worth $890,000

Robyn and Kody’s 4,395 sq. ft. house has five bedrooms and four bathrooms. The couple bought it in August 2019 for $890,000. Although the plural family had been thinking of building on Coyote Pass, this purchase seemed a bit ill-advised. While Season 17 has shared some footage from inside of the house, fans got to see more of Robyn’s house during the infamous COVID Thanksgiving.

Robyn Brown Sister Wives YouTube TLC

[Source: YouTube]

Despite being such a humungous house with so much to film, TLC is not capturing inside-the-house moments at Robyn’s house. Why?

Fans speculate that the reason could be that the 44-year-old doesn’t keep her house neat and tidy. This might make it impossible for the crew to film without stumbling on one thing or another. Every now and then Kody is seen sharing selfie videos with Sister Wives’ fans, sharing a glimpse of the condition inside the house. Usually, the background is filled with stuff lying around.

Sister Wives Fans Feel Robyn Brown’s House Is Dirty

Sister Wives fans took to Reddit to share their opinion on why TLC isn’t filming inside Robyn’s home. The OP posed the question, “Why isn’t Robyn getting filmed inside her house?”

“Everybody else is being filmed in their house/RV/BnB, even if it’s just a quick minute shot. How can she get away with not letting cameras inside her house? I feel like TLC wouldn’t let that fly.. especially with all the drama this year,” they continued.

Sister Wives Reddit

[Source: YouTube]

Explaining the matter, another Reddit user claimed, “Tbh they rarely ever film in Robyn’s home. Even in Las Vegas, they were hardly ever at Robyn’s. I read somewhere before that she keeps the kids’ toys and stuff ALL OVER the house and doesn’t keep a clean designated area for filming.”

They further asserted that she does so knowingly and doesn’t want them filming inside her house.

Robyn Brown Kody Brown YouTube Sister Wives TLC

[Source: YouTube]

“I guess you’re right I never really noticed that they didn’t film in her house a lot in Vegas… you would just think that if Kody is at her house exclusively they would make her film… it’s literally 2/5 of the cast that we don’t get raw footage of,” added the third user.

Do Robyn Brown’s Older Kids Need Privacy?

A fourth fan chimed in, claiming that TLC pays for housekeepers during filming to keep the house ready to go. They clarified, “It probably has something to do with the older kids wanting their privacy. I’ve noticed a lot of the kids are hardly filmed anymore.”

Robyn Brown Sister Wives YouTube TLC

[Source: YouTube]

You can tune into Sister Wives every Sunday on TLC at 10 p.m. EST. What do you think is the reason for Robyn not being filmed inside her house? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Allie Johnson


  1. Covid. Strange she’s always had someone helping her since she joined family. Her 3 oldest are capable of helping with 2 younger kids. Who paid for the nanny? Does anyone really know how $$$ divided or contributed? Meri probably still gives money to Kody.

    1. I could care less what Robyn is up to. I can barely endure listening to her childish, immature running commentary on what’s wrong with her Sister Wives. Robyn is so off the mark on what’s happening. Kody is just as clueless and selfish. Kody is an abysmal Father and husband. Kody is playing the victim and I am tired of trying to figure out how he can be so blind. He hasn’t been there for the wives or rthe children.

      1. I honestly think Robin won’t show her home because she doesn’t want people to see all she has and see what her and Kody have together. While Janel is living in a trailer. This show is getting sickening im chiseling not to watch it any more because he nauseats me. I wish the others and the kids the best but Kody is a joke

          1. I agree with that comment. I don’t trust Robyn. I believe Kody has detached himself from the other wives.

          2. I wish Janelle would leave Kody. Robin and Kody deserve each other.Kody has to be center of attention no matter where he is. If I was Kody, the last thing I would want to do is draw attention to myself. As for Mary, she is just a fool, she doesn’t realize how much Robin and Kody are using her. Robin should check into Kody and her daughter. Maybe social services need to look into this

          3. He is a complete Narcissist. He constantly whines about disloyalty from his wives his children.
            He can’t handle the fact that his family is finally waking up to his controlling selfish attitude. I honestly don’t blame Robyn. I think she came into this family expecting a warm loving family and once upon a time that was “probably true”. Cody just wanted a younger model that he could mold to his will and commands. His older wives were used to being kicked to the curb and now they are sick of it. Even Robyn is showing cracks in her relationship with him.
            They all should run the other way.

          4. so true its cringe worthy t.l.c need to get rid of thoes 2 he is a narcissistic bully and she not much better I’ve went right off meri as well get the kids a show more entertaining than kody and greeten faced robin

          5. I really can’t believe how Robyn has Kody so twisted around her little finger it’s very sickening and Meri should be a real women like Christine band leave his butt too so he can just have his pathetic little crybaby Robyn these women especially Janelle deserve so much better than putting up with Kody and Robyn leave Janelle and Meri you can do much better than this crap take a page out of Christines book

          1. why she going to let him have babies with her girls. what woman would ever give her child to her husband. and be happy about it. only a dam brain washed fool.

          2. I wish that Mary Janelle an Christine gets a show ex sister wife’s an kody an Robin get canceled he said only thing he’s afraid of is being poor God dont like ugly an him an Robin have been very ugly let’s see if he can stay money without show

          3. I just said to my daughter the other day that I think Robyn is in a fairly early pregnancy. I would be happy for Kody and her…but he has to stop whining about how he gets no loyalty or respect because a couple of them refused to wash the mail during covid. Give me a break!!!!

        1. kody seems self obsorbed what’s best for him’ he is truly annoying’ Robyn has always been a crier’ how she tries to control everything. Meri wants to live that life well goodluck she’s come along way. Janelle is a being left to fend for herself she’s amazing.Christine is out there living her best life. Good bless all the ladies & their kids. Reality check for Kody’ treating them equally all the time’ not only when they agree with you’ That life

          1. do you know , I think Robyn cries so much because she herself is so unhappy, I was like that when I was married to an awful man who , despite me having been a strong young woman when I met him dragged ne down till I felt useless . that’s kody!! all over . He gets these women, gets them pregnant , to show” how much of a man” he is, leaves them do everything ,look after the kids , work for their monetary needs, Then decides the kids have grown now , I need to have more babies …..cos they don’t have opinions of the kind of “man” he is / isn’t. they adult kids are then threats to his manhood his “Head of the house” belief . I never realised we’d gone back 70 years , I thought this was 2022 how silly of me. Stop giving this egotistical air time please?? .

          2. I agree about starting another show. I was thinking calling it Sister Moms. Ex Sister Wife’s is great too!

          3. Kody is a pig ! i bet the goverment pays the bills for all of his children
            lets face it they are all illigetament!

        2. ever since Robin come into the picture its been nothing but hell. Robin is a selfie little cry baby. thank God Christine had enough brains to get out when she could . Janelle I hope you see the big picture Cody don’t want you he just want your money for Robin.meri meri what can we say about you brain wash wake up Cody don’t want you he just used you you gave him up for Robin and this how he repay you .

          1. Not to mention he’s NOTHING to look at. What’s going to happen when the other wives decide the “free ride” for Kody and Robin is over? Robin has the most expensive house and doesn’t work. Sink or swim Robin & Kody

        3. Robyn is the problem and has been since Kody married her. He treated the other 3 wives like shit. Now that Christine and Janelle had the balls to leave why is Meri still there? He has made it perfectly clear he does not want Meri. He is absolutely sickening. Why would anyone want him?

          1. Personally I wish some random girl would step in and do to Robyn what Robyn did to the other wives. I wish TLC would find a woman to show interest in Kody and ignite a flame between them to leave Robyn to mind craze herself!😂😂

          2. Personally I wish some random girl would step in and do to Robyn what Robyn did to the other wives. I wish TLC would find a woman to show interest in Kody and ignite a flame between them to leave Robyn to mind craze herself!😂😂

          3. they’ve been lying to the family since they met,and cody has the nerve to say his family isn’t loyal and doesn’t show him respect ???? I think he owes them all a huge apology.

        4. Obviously we are seasons behind, just seeing the start of season 11. I haven’t seen Janelle in a trailer, but all homes at Coyote Pass (I assume) should have been built at the same time.

          1. how much child support will cody owe take him to court.. he will have to sell alot of guns

      2. Robin does not want cameras to show just how much she and Cody has compared to what the other wives do not have. She came into the family with nothing but her children fro. previous marriage. it was the money sister wives made BEFORE Cody married her that has paid for lawyer fees for adoption and her material things. Have you noticed how Robin has always had better than other wives? Sell her big house and lg trailer parked outside of her house and pay off the land in Coyote Pass.
        Her older children are lazy and disrespectful. Who handles the.”family money”..Cody! All 3 senior sister wives have worked years to help their family unit and to pay for Cody’s sporty looking cars and truck!

      3. Not filming at Robyn’s house is great. That means that we don’t have to look at her tantrum facial expressions. Her looks are the work of evil.

        1. I can’t handle looking at her eyebrows!! seven my husband, who notices nothing like that, can’t stand her eyebrows, don’t they have makeup people?

      4. I think he definitely shares more feeling too Robin than any of the other ones and maybe she has things in there she doesn’t want people to see it is what it is

      5. Could care less what cry baby Robyn and Kody are doing. She deserves him. How could you live with him after he treated his other wives the way he did!!!!!!

    2. I wondered with two of them there full time why there was a nanny needed. The other children couldn’t even see their dad, but there was a nanny that brought in Covid, even though they followed all of the rules. Sure Cody. You trust the outsider more than your family. Reflection may be needed. He wanted Janelle to by Christine’s house. Maybe they should have boyght it and moved and sold the big dollar home and given the money to pay off coyote pass?

  2. Robin came into the Brown Family as the last wife, joining a family ‘you take your place’ NOT take others place. Who cares if her house is clean or dirty? She Always gets what she wants! So happy for Christine & truly hope Janelle is next to leave! Looks like Mary is there for the viewing.

    1. Robin plays the victim poor me! She is manipulator, she only cares that Christine is leaving because Kody is rereacting badly, and it upsets her world. My question to Fake Kody why does Robin need a nanny? she has 3 grown children, she is home. How many young Children did Christine care for while Janelle went to work? And you wonder why Christine is leaving. Kody why is it ok for Meri to leave? You did not ask the Church for a DIVORCE FROM MERI! Kody what a hippocrit you are.

      1. robyn took advantage everything from three wives . robyn is attention seeker playing victim . or kody get adopted daughter remind me of woody allen who knows

        robyn is the one cause everything make kody as idiot hubby

        1. I have been saying withinn the next 5 years Kootie will be married to those Jessop girls. Snobbin wants her celestial kingdom that only happens if Kootie has 3 or more wives. And there is no way on God’s earth will Sobbin allow a younger prettier slimmer woman xome I and put her away like sore did to the other wives. Snobbin will only allow him to marry someone she knows she can control.And the only ones she can trust to do as she says and keep her favorite wife status is for Kootie to marry her daughters. And as sick as that sounds,I believe this has been her plan all along. And now that they Jessop girls are older filming in their home has stopped so that we aren’t privy to the horrible awaful grooming of those 2, so that when they are of the appropriate age and the cameras aren’t rolling (well not rolling in the McMansion like now) Snobbin will host secret spiritual unions with her husband and her daughters in her McMansion

      2. totally agree. TLC should drop Sister Wives And do a show with Christine and Janelle on what it’s truly like being a sister wife with a narcissistic husband.

        1. And don’t forget a whining baby, and a narcissistic who likes to always point the finger at someone else, he does not realize he has Three fingers pointing back at him

  3. I’ve had my eyes opened! Kody is a joke- he only wants Robyn and to only have “relationships” with her, but expects the other wives to stick around so it looks good for him and Robin. He pays no attention to his other children, only children he shares with Robin and her children from a previous marriage. It is SO obvious!!!!! And then the two of them blame everyone else. What a joke. Robin cries all the time and plays the victim. Did you expect everyone to stay around forever and put up with this? Life is too short!!!!! I say Kody and Robin are getting what they deserve and I hope Janelle and Mary leave also- they deserve so much better!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Christine!

    1. Agree hope Janelle & Mary leave also. Mary needs to run she deserves to be loved and don’t worry Robin’s times coming if he did that to the other wife’s he do it to her. Come on cody who says you stabbed me in the kidney.

    2. I think Coty and Robin both are a joke. Also Meri. I say way to go Christine and Genel.. Cody is a disgrace. He is in my opinion the worst of all. He’s greedy, demanding, unkind. Just another worthless Bast*** who fails not only ALL of his wives but his children as well.

    3. I may be wrong but could it be possible that Robin’s older daughters are being groomed to be Kody’s future wives and that’s why he spends so much time over there? I know it sounds creepy but it sure ain’t out of his grand scheme of thinking. As for Meri, she will be there until she dies but Janelle, she wants her money back before she go anywhere, so just give her some time.

      1. that’s exactly what I was thinking. he thinks it would be ok to wed both Breanna and her other daughter because they are not related to him biologically

    4. I personally believe it was all Robyn who manipulated everything from day one! I believe she is the one who made Kody the way he is or she just brought that side of him out more. Robyn is the real villain 🦹‍♀️ She heard about the show, slithered her way in cause she was going nowhere and couldn’t raise her kids or run a household cause she’s too lazy. Rewatch the season one, two & three.. it’s so obvious. You see her getting frustrated with her OWN kids, they didn’t listen.. she never packs when it’s time to move, etc. I cant stand square face wacky eyebrows Robyn. I L❤️VE Christine and Janelle so much. Meri let the money of the show change her to where she thinks she’s entitled. I use to like her in the beginning but with the Las Vegas house, her daughter’s graduation etc she just seemed as it’s all about her.

  4. Most likely she is a horrible housekeeper in spite of all the “outside” help she gets such as nannies and whatnot. She doesn’t want people seeing her lavish accommodations and her Victoria’s Secret addiction.

    1. Maybe her kids don’t get paid as they aren’t part of the family funds, kody and Robyn now have their own production company with just Robyn and kody’s kids listed, what do they need their own company for? I thought money was pooled but looks like Kody is reaping all the rewards

  5. I am so sick of Cody and his tantrums. he got what he deserved. he’s given no attention to Christine or Mary or Janelle either. why Mary and Janelle stay is beyond me. Cody treats them all like crap. he has his favorite and we all know who that is.

      1. Cody said Christine is all about the man, every women needs love. And obviously Christine’s not getting it. Good job Christine! Cody you are a joke.

  6. I don’t think Robyn is that bad honestly. She grew up a polygamist family and she saw it with Rose colored glasses. She DID WANT a relationship with everyone and wanted the family to stay together. Not saying she is perfect, but being born into that faith, makes her a little misguided. She chose to work constantly on the relationship between her and Kody from the beginning making it her top priority and was open about that. The other wives didn’t care as much to do that, but certainly could have if they really wanted to. Janelle or Christine could have easily seduced Kody back into their lives if it’s what they wantrd. Neither of them did. And that’s not Robyn’s fault. She isn’t perfect, but none of them are. I hope people can at least try to see her as anything other than a homewrecker one day.

    1. Jody is a joke. He married Robyn while Christine was pregnant with his 6th child. That is awful! I would’ve let him then.. He could’ve waited until after his last baby was born. what a slap in the face. Then him and Robyn spend most of the family’s money. She knew what Kody was doing all this time and didn’t care.

    2. I don’t believe Robyns first marriage was polygamist. she wanted the family unit that that lifestyle brought so she got involved with Cody.

    3. I strongly believe Robyn wanted the sister wife’s to raise her kids, babysit and clean her house. Robyn wanted Kody all to herself from day one. Robyn didn’t want Kody engaging in affectionate sexual relations with the other wives, only keep a friendship to keep the sister wives close enough for Robyn to use them at her disposal.

  7. Robin is a joke. whine whine cry and cry. that’s all she does. she’s got Cody right where she wants him. she not a sister wives bc she couldn’t care less about meri, Christine or janell. idk. the show is really getting far fetched. Meri and Janelle need to run and not look back. let Cody and Robin pay for coyote crossing.

    1. Agreed. Robyn is a manipulator and can’t anyone see that there is something in seriously wrong with cody? When my father had to a stroke his eyes and behavior were just the same as Cody. Robyn, instead of counting only on your own greed, think id Cody’s health.

    1. I agree, and TLC pays the cost of housekeeping when they film. So that is not the deal. I usually do a lot of research on these people and almost always know what it up when someone asks, but I haven’t found out too much this time around yet for sure….but I can say what I think may be the answer! IMO, I believe it is either because the older kids want more privacy since they aren’t being paid to film…OR, maybe since they live the lavish lifestyle, they don’t want any of the other wives to see all the nice things they have, particularly so since Kody is complaining about Christine taking all the money and so now they can’t pay off the property in order for Janelle to be able to start building, or because they have spent way too much money on the things they have and they spent Janelle’s money too…because Janelle is saying they stole her money….OR, maybe they have invested Janelle’s money into their family business that they aren’t sharing with the other wives, and they don’t want Janelle to realize that is where here money went. I would bet money it is one of those 3 answers. What do you guys think it might be?

      1. Cody has been a farce for very long time it’s all about money and setting him and Robin up. has been for a long long time. the money is the only thing Cody and Robin are worried about. the smart thing to do is for the other wives to take their money and run. Christine needs to not worry about Cody and his b******* of a threat about custody of the kids he has no rights legally remember you’re not married and the kids are old enough to have a say chicken Cody get a life take your money and run and he wants to push seeing his kids let him he also gets to pay child support and maybe even alimony let him take you to court in fact I would take his ass to court you get a part of that new production him and Robert planting and their business think of that get them Janelle you know how go girls

      2. oh, I agree! I feel bad for Janelle…she just wants to build a small home on the property…live her life! I think she should just cut her losses, and move to Utah. she could stay with Christine until she got settled with a job. she deserves to be happy as well…let the other three idiots be together…they deserve each other!

    2. I love watching his life fall apart. I hope the show remains on the air, I like watching the drama it takes me away from my problems. I hope Jannel stays and works it out and I wish Kody would give Mary another chance

  8. The reason they don’t film in Robyn’s house is that there are business things going in there more then the other wife’s homes that Kody and Robys don’t want seen. plus, Robyn doesn’t want her kids especially older kids filmed because of their real dad. One of the reasons you don’t see many of the families older children fimed is because once they are 18 they have to be paid. Robyn makes me physically ill. to watch her sit there and tell people that Christine is not divorced until she is with another man is disgusting. Is that how she thought of her own divorce? I doubt it. Kody wants to play the victim card after he has treated these women horribly. He can take a flying leap as far as I am concerned. As for Mary, she is exactly where she wants to be. she gets the fame and money without any of the having to deal with Kody on a regular basis. I find it interesting how Kody can just dismiss Mary with the wave of his hand and say she can Marry another but Christine has to have permission from the church??? I don’t think so. I don’t know how he has so many kids with the complete lack of manhood he has.

    1. Agreed. Robyn is a manipulator and can’t anyone see that there is something seriously wrong with cody? When my father had a stroke his eyes and behavior were just the same as Cody. Robyn, instead of counting only on your own greed, think of Cody’s health.

  9. Kody only loves himself and Robin. what does he do for a living, besides the show? I wish Janelle and Mary would dump him. They deserve much more than that conceited man. Let’s not forget how much he loves his hair!

    1. He also sells used cars with his partner Brian, his best friend. He and Brian have sold used cars for a long time now, and the cars are on the nicer end of used. That is why you always see different cars on the show, Kody has changed his convertible a couple of times, and the kids get cars for graduation gifts too. They sold used cars from way back when the family moved to the 3 plex thingy house in Lehi, where Christine was the basement wife. Oh yeah, and by the way….I also heard they sold that house too, but nobody ever talks about it, so they really shouldn’t be that broke I wouldn’t think!

  10. Folks…this is a TV show…just for your interest and enjoyment. Robyn has been cast as the villan….get it?

  11. move on janelle set a good example to your children God loves Christine what a role model to except it didn’t work come on meri be happy please its painful to watch robyn you reep what you soe

  12. alot of the show is just drama to keep people watching. I wish they would show the real truth. These people get all this money to “act” out their lives on t.v.why not make it real. Kody it’s not working no Matter how hard they try You’re still a selfish jerk and that can’t be camouflaged. you want to act like a victim so you and Robin keep getting paid Both of you are lazy . Get a job and Robin take care of your own kids. Stop lying about loving polygamy and become real adults and get real jobs in the real world

  13. Robyn needs to do something about he looks she ugly when she cries and she needs to learn how to do he brows and go back to he ex husband. oh that’s right he didn’t want he.

    1. I’ve never seen real tears in sobyn’s eyes. you can tell she tries to force tears but they just don’t come because she knows she doesn’t mean any of what she says about wanting the family to stay together

  14. Isn’t bigamy a crime? Why would women want a manipulative ugly ignorant man like Cody as a “husband”? What sort of work does he do to support his wives and multi children? They must also have to work but Robyn seems to be the favorite who benefits most.

    1. He sells guns and cars plus the flipping of property. Robin is lazy and is teaching the kids how to be the same. The oldest son is getting social security or ssd and I think one of the girls are on ssd also. And they have been taking money from the other women continuously and spending it however they want. I hope Janelle gets done with it too but I think she wants her house that she has been paying into all this time. Kody is a lying hypocrite and a narcissist right along with Robin.

  15. Meri Robin wants you to stick around to help her and kody with the bills.Jeniell you need to leave they don’t have no money for you honey, .

  16. Well it has probably already been said but I will say it again THEN WHAT DOES THE NANNY DO?????
    I think that Robyn gets special treatment and it’s not fair to the others. Kody acts like he is the only one who is hurting but in all reality he is the one who is hurting others except Robyn. what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. My opinion

  17. I feel like this has been Kody and Robyn’s plan from the beginning. They want a monoganous marriage and that’s why all this is happening to the other wives. Meri was definitely looking for a way out when she was being catfished, unfortunately she was scammed, time to go Meri, he’ll never be there for you just like he wasn’t there for his daughter Ysabel’s surgery. Love is not scamming and cheating on your partner. Good luck to Christine and Janelle- the best is yet to come for you both. Remember what goes around comes around and they’ll get theirs.

  18. If Robin is so worried about keeping the family dynamics why doesn’t she force him to stay at the other wives houses. She should be telling him to only come home every 3 days and work on them other relationships if she really cared. Her and Cody just want the others close to have their money.

  19. Kody is a looser he just to get food stamps and now he think he is as ll that and the 4 wife she just a selfish brat .shame on Robin she is a horrible person I don’t like her.i hope all the other wife’s found a man who loves them and be happy they deserve to be happy

  20. I believe that Kody and Robin. are going to run all the other women away and then start building houses on Coyote Pass. Rent them out for profit and Robin’s daughters. They’ll stay in Robin’s in house.IJS!

    1. I agree. I quit watching after I caught on to Robyn. She thinks she’s all that, but I do not feel that way. I’ve not ever really liked her.

  21. Robin is a selfish person who planned all of this from the beginning how dare you come into a family and take over and Cody you’re stupid cuz Robin is going to run all your wives away and then where your money coming from stop using Marie for money you know you don’t love her you are Robin sad

  22. The whole premise of the show was that they were living the life that God told them to live. There is nothing godly about Cody Brown. He looks like he’s high most of the time. Telling his wives they can F off is in no way, shape or form anything godly. People who love God do not treat people like Cody does. It makes me so angry that he professes to love God, but can tell his wives that he is not attracted to them, and does not love them or want a relationship with them. Cody, if you were a real godly man, you would’ve forgiven Mary and not rejected her. God is all about forgiveness and you show none of that! You give Christians a bad name and that makes me sick! Everything about Cody is perverted. You need to look up the real scriptures about being the head of your household. There’s nothing in Gods word that talks about manipulating your wives, and treating them like the scum of the Earth. You are the biggest hypocrite that ever lived!!!!!! Nothing you do exemplifies God. Your language and anger on the show proves that!!!! in the beginning of the show, you said, love shouldn’t be divided, but that’s all you have done. There is nothing real about you and a relationship with the only true God, He actually abhors your lifestyle.

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