Did Robyn Brown Always Know Kody Would Value Her Above All?

Did Robyn Brown Always Know Kody Would Value Her Above All? [Credit: YouTube]

Did Robyn Brown always know that her husband Kody Brown would value her above all? Fans knew that she would become his favorite wife. However, she acted surprised by the apparent problems he has with his wives. She didn’t realize these issues until the coronavirus pandemic put a wedge in his relationships.

In a recent episode of the Sister Wives Season 16 “Tell-All” episode, Robyn cried over Christine Brown’s decision to divorce Kody. It was a shock for fans who assumed that Meri Brown would be the first to leave. However, Christine and Kody’s marriage quickly crumbled during Season 16.

Christine Brown scoffed at Robyn’s reason for needing a nanny

As fans already know, Robyn Brown and Kody Brown have a nanny. They’re the first out of the family to have one. This is shocking to fans since the patriarch has many kids. His wives have never needed a nanny.

Even Christine scoffed about Robyn’s need to have outside help. Fans applauded her for her honesty. She chose not to argue with her sister wives. Yet, she doesn’t understand why Robyn Brown needs a nanny.

Host Sukanya Krishnan mentioned Christine’s sister wives, including Robyn. Christine was kind about it. She even called Robyn “very sweet.” Yet, fans aren’t convinced that Christine isn’t a little salty about Robyn.

Kody Brown And Robyn Brown [Credit: YouTube]
[Credit: YouTube]
In Season 16, Christine had many questions. She wanted to know more about Robyn Brown and Kody Brown’s nanny. She wanted to know what they had outside help for. While a nanny was allowed inside their house, their family wasn’t.

Kody imposed strict COVID-19 rules against his family. However, they had a stranger help out and take care of their children. Some fans wondered if Christine was offended by the nanny due to Robyn’s past behavior. Robyn tried to shut Christine out and even tried to worm her way into the family.

Does Robyn Brown know Kody likes her more?

Unfortunately, the family has been falling apart. Polygamy hasn’t worked well for them. Some fans think Robyn Brown will be the last wife standing. They wonder if she knows that Kody likes her the most out of all his wives.

The kids even started picking sides. However, Robyn Brown isn’t the reason why the family is falling apart. Most of the fingers would point at Kody and the way he treats his wives. Yet, some have to wonder if the change in the family dynamic has caused them to fall apart.

Kody Brown Kisses Robyn Brown [Credit: YouTube]
[Credit: YouTube]
It’s obvious that Robyn Brown is placed above everyone else. The kids didn’t get along with her as they did with the rest of the wives. Also, Robyn didn’t feel comfortable around the family. It was an issue with the babysitter in Season 8 and now it’s become a problem again with the nanny.

Seems like this family’s problems continue to repeat themselves. Do you think Robyn Brown knows that Kody values her more than his other wives? What are your thoughts on this family? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Robyn Brown.

Chanel Adams

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