Kody Brown Accused Of Abusing Robyn

Kody Brown Robyn Brown

Kody Brown has been accused of abusing his wife Robyn by fans. Sister Wives fans feel uneasy about something Robyn said on a recent episode of the series. Likewise, fans admit the way Robyn Brown has been carrying herself lately has made them feel concerned for her well-being.

Have fans had the wrong idea about Robyn this entire time? Is she actually being abused Kody? As we previously reported, this isn’t the first time Kody has been accused of abusing one of his wives.

What did Robyn say that set fans off?

During a recent episode of Sister Wives, Robyn Brown used the word “permission.” For many, the use of the word permission did not sit well with them. Robyn Brown is a grown woman. A mother. And, she shares a husband with several other women. Sister Wives fans feel that she should be able to make her own decision about things without requiring the permission and feedback of her husband Kody.

Kody Brown/ Robyn Brown/YouTube
Kody Brown/ Robyn Brown/YouTube

As those who have been watching the series know, the other wives made it seem as though Robyn was the “head wife” when they leaned her direction for decisions and feedback. Kody Brown, however, was offended by this implication as he made it clear he did not have a “head wife.”

Sister Wives fans suspect Kody Brown is a man with a lot of rules who likes to be at the head of the table. Fans also suspect it doesn’t sit well with Kody when he gets pushback from his wives. This is why things have been so heated between him and Janelle recently. Kody Brown has said during confessionals he feels as though his wife Janelle is actively choosing her children over him and he isn’t happy with it.

Is Kody Brown abusing his wives?

As we previously reported, Sister Wives fans thought Meri Brown once hinted that Kody was an abusive husband on Instagram. Now, fans think Robyn Brown is showing a lot of signs that she’s an abused woman.

OMG!! Did Meri Brown Admit Her Husband Kody ABUSED Her?! 

A thread was created on Reddit yesterday by someone who admitted they were no fan of Robyn Brown. They, however, noted that all sorts of red flags went up while watching the most recent episode of the series. This individual doubled down on their hatred for Robyn. They, however, thought she was giving off major abused woman vibes.

One individual responded to the thread that they were a domestic abuse victim and they “don’t see it.” The individual proceeded to add: “I think he’s a selfish pain in the ass and possibly a rageaholic, but that’s about it.”

Another fan chimed in: “Honestly no, I think she’s just manipulative. She can play the ‘Kody is in charge of me’ vibe when she wants to but it’s all show.”

Sister Wives Robyn Brown Youtube
Robyn Brown

A few fans noted they could see where the OP was coming from. They, however, have a hard time accepting that because it is difficult to decide what is reality and what is scripted for the series.

Do you think Kody Brown abuses Robyn? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest Sister Wives news.

Allie Johnson


  1. Well Kody the Ladies had their life’s set up in Vegas they all had their own houses and jobs and their Freedom with their children loved their School’s. Listen to your Wife’s God gave us Wisdom some how they think we don’t have that sense to use it Kody you took our life’s upside down. Ladies this your life time to take over may the Lord give you Strength to get thru this

  2. Naturally he will not own up to it he thinks he’s right again. Sorry to say he had to blame someone and Robin is his legal wife and has done damage in the family. Not siding with him or her, I feel they deserve what ever goes down and more. Especially when it comes to neglecting your children. No excuse on earth for that one. And abusing all four of them for years and taking it. Outrages and sick! Robin without doubt had a plan for this to happen and clearly it has backfired on both of them. He is a mentally abusive monster by nature and needs some serious help. Breakdown is in his future soon too. The wives need to follow Christine and claim their freedom and lives back. I think Robin will stay she needs a sap to take care her and her kids. And Meri will walk five step behind to stay for Kody. Fool!

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