‘The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge’ Trailer Drops

The Hungry Games Big Bear Challenge - Peacock - YouTube

Peacock will stream a new show hosted by Rhys Darby and the premiere will stream on July 11. If you love wildlife you won’t want to miss The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge. There are plenty of Discovery Channel shows about Alaska, but this one is slightly different. It’s a sort of reality TV show but for bears.

Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge Premise

Filmed in the Katmai National Park, Collider noted that the premise is a “playful” one. The outlet wrote, “The series blends fascinating bear behavior facts with playful commentary, showcasing the bears’ impressive ability to gain weight for survival.” Now that a trailer dropped, it looks interesting but also lighthearted.

Skinny Bears On The Hungry Games Alaska's Big Bear Challenge - YouTube
Skinny Bears On The Hungry Games Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge – YouTube

The new show on Peacock has three episodes and “The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge is a collaboration between Love Nature and Ample Entertainment.” For family viewers, basically, you are a voyeur as cameras track bears in their natural habitat as they compete for food to gain an incredible 200 lbs.

The Peacock Trailer Dropped On YouTube

In the narrative, potential viewers heard that the filming took place over “150 days,” and the bears battle each other for food. They have to put on weight after hibernation, or risk death. In the trailer, competition for food and hunting areas is fierce. Some fun scenes showed little animals like birds and squirrels watching on as the skinny bears tried to become giant beasts.

It Takes Time To Grow Fat and Fierce - Peacock - YouTube
It Takes Time To Grow Fat and Fierce – Peacock – YouTube

The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge teaches viewers all about the natural life of bears without too much human interference. Rhys Darby said that it’s unique because it’s a sort of animal version of “reality TV.”

The charming audience - The Hungry Games_ Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge - YouTube
The charming audience – The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge – YouTube

Viewers can see their intimate moments as they live out their lives but they don’t know eyes are on them.

Commenters Seem intrigued

The trailer for the new Peacock show hasn’t been up for very long. But, already, viewers seem enchanted with the idea of it. Here are some of their reactions to it:

  • This is my kind of show…can’t wait for it.
  • Never thought I’d see the day where they’d make a bear reality show.
  • This looks like a lot of fun and [very] entertaining. Bears meet reality TV lol.

What do you think of the trailer for the new Peacock show, The Hungry Games: Alaska’s Big Bear Challenge? Do you think it sounds interesting? Might your family enjoy the reality TV aspect of seeing the bears in their natural environment? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your news about new shows from Peacock.

James Michael

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