Miley Cyrus Says Mom, Tish’s Drugs Leave Her Paralyzed

Miley Cyrus-YouTube

Miley Cyrus claims that her mother, Tish Cyrus’ weed is so powerful that it leaves her paralyzed for days. She cannot even attempt to smoke it or she will be out of commission. The singer and actress opened up about both of her parents recently and shared what it was like trying what her mother had. Keep reading for more details.

Miley Cyrus Says Mom, Tish’s Drugs Leave Her Paralyzed

Most parents share advice, clothing, or experiences with their children. Tish and Miley Cyrus have a very different relationship. They have always been close but have appeared to have gotten closer in the wake of Tish’s divorce from Billy Ray Cyrus. She had filed three times, the final time being in early 2022. The two both moved on. She found love with Prison Break star Dominic Purcell. Unfortunately, that came with a backstory as her youngest daughter, Noah was allegedly dating him first. As for Billy Ray, he moved on with the much younger, Firerose, but that union lasted seven months.

Miley Cyrus telling a story [Source: YouTube]
Miley Cyrus-YouTube
Miley has remained by her mother’s side and even referred to Tish as her “hero” in David Letterman’s My Next Guest Needs No Introduction. She noted that her mother was the one who raised her while stating she would not be where she is regarding fame without her father. Now, Miley is opening up about trying her mother’s drugs and the effect they had on her. According to Daily Express US, she was very clear that Tish’s weed is not for the weak.


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Miley Cyrus talked about how it can leave even the strongest flipping out so she tries to steer clear of it:

“I will randomly take one small puff off my mom’s joint, pretty much never because it’s way too strong. My mom gave Wiz Khalifa a panic attack ’cause her weed was too heavy.”

Though she knows how strong it can be, Miley tried it once again and had an awful experience. It was so bad, she was left nearly paralyzed:

“I don’t smoke my mom’s weed anymore. The last time I smoked her weed was a couple weeks ago, and I did walk in and take the smallest puff ever and I couldn’t drive for what felt like three days. And I didn’t know who I was.”

That one time was enough for Miley to stay away from most kinds of weed. Yet, she does not want to let her mother see that side of her.

Turning Tables

What is most ironic about the whole situation is that Miley Cyrus was the one who introduced Tish Cyrus to marijuana. It was solely for anxiety purposes and to relax Tish. However, Tish did not want anyone to know how much she liked it when she tried it with her daughter:

“She goes, ‘OK, but just don’t tell anybody ’cause I’m a good Christian woman.’ But she loved it. She had the best time and she smoked weed ever since.”

Tish even has a weed-themed podcast with her eldest daughter, Brandi Cyrus called Sorry We’re Stoned. So, it seems that she is handling her high just fine.

Are you shocked that Tish’s marijuana is so strong that it left Miley in the condition that she was? Or, does it make sense with how much she smokes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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