Does Mama June Let Anna Cardwell’s Husband See Kaitlyn?

Mama June Shannon - Entertainment Tonight - YouTube

Mama June: Family Crisis star, June Shannon, AKA “Mama June” has custody of her late daughter’s child, Kaitlyn. Before she passed away from cancer, Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell married Eldridge Toney. Does he see Kaitlyn? Read on to find out.

Mama June Shannon & Justin Are Raising Kaitlyn

WeTV fans were furious with Anna’s mom when she separated Kaitlyn from her half-sister, Kylee. Although the two girls lived together with Anna, they spent a lot of time with Kylee’s dad, Michael Cardwell. Of course, they also knew Eldridge Toney as he lived with their mom before their wedding.

Anna Cardwell's Daughter Kaitlyn - Eldridge Toney - Instagram
Anna Cardwell’s Daughter Kaitlyn – Eldridge Toney – Instagram

Mama June’s critics believe she just wants to use Kaitlyn to bring fresh content to the WeTV show. Meanwhile, others think she is obsessed with her grandchild because she reminds her of Anna. While the grandmother claims it’s what Anna Cardwell would have wanted, it seems nothing was drawn up legally.

 Eldridge Toney Sees Kaitlyn?

Remember when WeTV showed Anna Cardwell’s wedding, she got together for a group hug with the kids and with Elridge. At the time, she said to the kids, Eldridge, he’s your stepdaddy now.” However, it seems to have fallen to Justin Stroud to be the father figure for Kaitlyn. In February this year, WeTV fans heard that Eldridge did spend some time with the kids, but is that still happening?

Eldridge Toney - Instagram
Eldridge Toney – Instagram

Ahead of the second part of the current season of Mama June: Family Crisis, June Shannon spoke with People. The WeTV star said, in part:

Anna and Eldridge and the kids moved into our house before [Anna] passed away and now Kaitlyn’s there…if something’s going on, I’m going to call Pumpkin and then put it in our family group chat…I’ll be honest with you, even with Eldridge, we try to bring him in because Anna would want [that.] So we do bring Eldridge in a lot on some stuff and then some stuff we just keep as a family and just try to really figure it out.

Eldridge confirmed that he is involved in the life of Kaitlyn, but not so much in Kylee’s. That’s mainly due to the distance from where he lives. He explained late last year, that he sees both girls as often as he can.

What are your thoughts about Mama June Shannon still consulting with Eldridge Toney about raising Kaitlyn? Do you think it’s a bit sad that she doesn’t seem to consider him as “family?” After all, she said that she keeps “some stuff in the family,” and doesn’t always bring Eldridge in. Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Mama June: Family Crisis news.

James Michael

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