Pat Sajak’s Retirement Takes Emotional Toll On Vanna White

Vanna White - Wheel Of Fortune - ABC News

Undeniably, Pat Sajak’s retirement from Wheel Of Fortune is taking a huge emotional toll on his beloved co-host, Vanna White. While there has been some time to absorb the idea of Pat leaving, the real event comes with a wave of difficult feelings.

Vanna White Takes Time To Look Back

As Wheel Of Fortune co-host, Vanna White, prepared for the exit of long-time host and “work husband,” Pat Sajak, there was no way to know how it would truly feel after working together for forty-one years. Undoubtedly, the week has been full of trips down memory lane. Admittedly, Vanna says she only remembers one fight she and Pat had through the years. She says innocently they can’t agree on whether ketchup should go on hotdogs. While bracing herself for tonight’s airing, June 7, of Pat’s “Final Spin,” she tries to pull together some words as they are parting ways.

Vanna White and Pat Sajak - YouTube
Vanna White and Pat Sajak – YouTube

Pat Sajak’s Retirement Takes Emotional Toll On Vanna White

Sadly, the dreaded day is upon the Wheel Of Fortune world. On June 6, Vanna White expresses the emotional toll Pat Sajak’s retirement has on her. She says, “I can’t believe that tomorrow is our last show together.” Struggling to describe her feelings, she says, “I don’t know how to put into words what these past 40 years have meant to me but I’m going to try.” Without a doubt, they have a unique relationship that most people never have the chance to have. “8000 episodes went by like that,” she says with a snap. Reflecting, Vanna says, “When I first started, I was so green.” Giving kudos to Pat’s character, she adds, “You made me so comfortable and so confident, Pat. You made me who I am, you really did.”

Vanna White attributes becoming who she is to Pat Sajak. - Wheel Of Fortune
Vanna White attributes becoming who she is to Pat Sajak. – Wheel Of Fortune

Vanna White Remembers Touching Moments

Furthermore, Vanna White acknowledges the connection she and Pat Sajak had on and off the screen. “As much fun as we’ve had on camera, those memories, milestones, and life events we shared with our families outside the studio are my favorite.” Unmistakably, the touching moments brought tears to her eyes. She reminisces, “We’ve watched our children grow up together. We’ve traveled all over the world.” She thinks of enjoying quality time over the years, “We’ve eaten hundreds of meals together. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve celebrated.” Genuinely, she notes, “What an incredible and unforgettable journey we’ve had.”

Vanna White and Pat Sajak have been through 8000 episodes by each other's side. - Wheel Of Fortune - YouTube
Vanna White and Pat Sajak have been through 8000 episodes by each other’s side. – Wheel Of Fortune – YouTube

Brother And Friend

Although hard to believe, the sentiment was completely understandable when Vanna White emphasized she “enjoyed every minute” being by his side. Then, although her voice is shaky, she trudges through with a beautiful conclusion. She says, “As this chapter of our lives is coming to an end, I know you’ll still be close by.” Conflicted by the new transition, but honoring the person she cares for, Vanna expresses: “You’re like a brother to me.”

Their on screen chemistry is unmatched. - YouTube
Their on-screen chemistry is unmatched. – YouTube

Furthermore, she adds, “And I consider you a true lifelong friend who I will always adore. I love you, Pat.” Sweetly, the cameras cut to a scene of Vanna hugging Pat on the Wheel Of Fortune stage as the audience applauds. Then, Pat has an uncharacteristic loss for words, but scrounges up the remark, “Oh my.” Without a doubt, they will miss being co-workers, but this farewell won’t keep them from finding ways to stay in touch.

What do you think about the sentimental message that Vanna White delivered for Pat Sajak? Do you think she is struggling with the transition of his retirement? Are you eager to see how Ryan Seacrest handles the Wheel? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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