‘7 Little Johnstons’ Liz Johnston Ready For Another Baby?

Liz Johnston, Brice Bolden - 7 Little Johnstons - TLC YouTube

Elizabeth “Liz” Johnston and Brice Bolden made a baby together and 7 Little Johnstons fans watched them break the news to her parents, Trent and Amber. However, the TLC star wants another baby, this time one with dwarfism. Leighton Drew Bolden is a cute kid, fans agree, and she’s average-sized.

Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Johnston Wanted A Little Person Baby

TLC fans reacted with shock and anger when LIz Johnston claimed that she hoped for a little person. At the time, her mom and dad seemed keen on it as well. So, 7 Little Johnstons fans thought she just said that because she wanted to stay on Amber’s good side. Meanwhile, Brice Bolden seemed not to mind as long as his daughter was healthy. However, she really does want a baby with dwarfism.

Leighton Drew Bolden Is Average-Sized - Team7lj - Instagram
Leighton Drew Bolden Is Average-Sized – Team7lj – Instagram

The reason why Liz Johnston freaked out fans when she hoped Leighton would be a little person, is related to the health conditions that can plague them. Thanks to the TLC shows about little people, fans now know that they often require surgery. And, on social media, viewers struggled to get their heads around wanting a child that would face future skeletal issues like Jackson Roloff.

7 Little Johnstons Star Wants Another Baby

This week, Liz spoke with People, and she told them that she wants to try for another baby: specifically, one with dwarfism. However, Brice Bolden seems non-committal. The TLC star told the outlet:

I think one day when Leighton’s a little older, maybe closer to school, I can convince [Brice] for us to just have one more. One more try for a little person is what I tell him. Just for us to try, because we would definitely be stoked of having one average and one little some day.

Elizabeth Johnston and Brice Bolden - YouTube
Elizabeth Johnston and Brice Bolden – YouTube

Well, Liz Johnston might be “stoked,” but she also mentioned that Brice Bolden isn’t at all keen on the idea. Actually, most of the time, fans think he looks shell-shocked on the show. She claims he fears another child because he felt “traumatized” by the “C-Section” surgery.

As she works in health care, she feels “used to surgeries.” But, she added, “that whole aspect was very new and it kind of scared him, because he did not like the whole fact of me having to go under and him not being able to be there.”

What are your thoughts about Elizabeth “Liz” Johnston wanting another baby that has dwarfism? Do you agree that Brice Bolden is totally right to feel cautious? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here often for all your 7 Little Johnstons news.

James Michael

One Comment

  1. I think it is ridiculous the way @mber is acting about this baby. She is controlling why in heavens sake did they have to move in with the family. If she was old enough to get pregnant I think she is old enough to live alone with Brice. I think. Amber is so controllling.

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