Jazz Jennings Discusses Self-Care Amid Mental Health Issues

I Am Jazz Star Jazz Jennings - Instagram

Jazz Jennings looks amazing these days and I Am Jazz fans can’t get over how she looks so slim and attractive. This week, she discussed the importance of self-care. TLC viewers loved hearing how she feels so confident at the moment, that she feels like “a Goddess.”

Jazz Jennings Struggled With Her Weight

TLC fans always admired the sister of Griffen and Sander because she came out so fearlessly at a time when it wasn’t as common as it is now. They saw her take the plunge and go for bottom surgery, which educated a lot of people about transitioning. However, it was a difficult journey for her.

I am Jazz - Jazz jengings
I am Jazz – Jazz Jennings when she was putting on weight – TLC

Apart from needing more surgeries after structural damage, Jazz Jennings struggled with mental health issues. Additionally, the meds and her state of mind contributed to her massive weight gain. Eventually, she decided to get into some self-care and conquer her binge eating.

‘Goddess’ I Am Jazz Star Discusses Self-Care

On June 5, the TLC star uploaded a few photos to Instagram of herself wearing a blue dress and some jewelry. It came in response to a fan who told her, “I hope you’re happy with yourself. Who cares what you weigh[?] Who cares what you look like[?] The important thing is are you happy in your own skin!”

Jazz Jennings Feels Like A Goddess - Instagram
Jazz Jennings Feels Like A Goddess – Instagram

Jazz Jennings then explained that she takes self-care seriously. In her long caption, the I Am Jazz star said in part;

No matter my weight, I have always felt beautiful. However, losing this weight and prioritizing my health has created a shift within. The first step toward improving your well-being is caring. I finally care about myself after years of neglecting my health…I am so proud of my weight loss, and I feel my confidence radiates through. This specific dress just made me feel like a goddess… Overall, take care of yourself and do things that make you happy and light. We can always strive to be better…soar to heights higher than ever before. Joy. Cherish. Peace.

TLC fans reacted to the post by the beloved trans reality TV star. Here are some of their responses:

  • …hearing you speak confidently about yourself is your most beautiful look ever! ❤️
  • looking gorgeous as always. You’ve inspired me to start looking after myself again.
  • You look amazing but even more importantly is that you feel amazing! Looks come and go but mental and physical health is a daily key!
  • You look fab! But the changes within are what really makes you shine.

What are your thoughts about what Jazz Jennings has to say about self-care? Do you agree that she looks amazing and deserves to feel like a goddess? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your I Am Jazz news.

James Michael

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