David Eason Sabotages Jenelle Evans’ Return To ‘Teen Mom’?

Jenelle Evans - MTV's Teen Mom - YouTube

Jenelle Evans told her MTV fans that she would be returning to film for Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. But, is David Eason trying to sabotage her new income stream from her former employer? Or, does he just care deeply about his daughter Ensley? Read on to find out what he did.

Jenelle Evans Fights For Full Custody Of Ensley

It’s been a toxic separation between the two former MTV stars. Teen Mom fans heard that David’s wife wanted a restraining order for herself and the kids. Jace already had one in place, so it was a bit of a fight. She’s aiming for divorce, and from the sound of it, full custody of Ensley.

Jenelle Evans/Teen Mom/Facebook
Jace Evans, David Eason, Ensley, Jenelle Evans, Kaiser-Facebook

Jenelle Evans won her restraining order in mid-May, but apparently, no provision was made for Ensley as the custody case for her continues. If Jenelle wins full custody, will that mean that David Eason won’t have much power over the decisions made on behalf of his daughter? It’s an interesting question seeing that he seems to have sabotaged his estranged wife on Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.

David Eason Won’t Allow Ensley To Film For MTV

Jenelle hit an unexpected bump in the road about filming for Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. According to The Sun, insider sources verified that Nathan Griffith will allow his son, Kaiser to film. However, “he wants to ensure the MTV checks are properly secured for the 9-year-old’s future.” Meanwhile, David Eason won’t allow Ensley to film for the show. Is he planning to sabotage his estranged wife’s earnings from MTV?

David Eason - Ensley
David Eason, Ensley Eason – Instagram

The outlet cited their source as saying :

David hates MTV. There was no way he was going to allow them to film with Ensley after they fired him and then Jenelle [Evans.] They’ll have a really hard time filming around Ensley, she’s a whole personality so I’m not sure how that will go down.

What are your thoughts about David Eason not allowing Jenelle Evans to film with their daughter Ensley? Do you think he really cares? Or might he be trying to get his revenge on his estranged wife? Could that be why Jenelle seems so determined to gain full custody of her daughter? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Teen Mom news.

James Michael

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