‘RHONJ’ Melissa Gorga’s Son Stuns With Mature Handling Of Family

Melissa Gorga-Instagram

RHONJ star Melissa Gorga’s son, Joey stunned with his mature handling of the Giudice family. Currently, the Gorgas are estranged from the Giudices. Yet, that does not mean the children cannot have respect and manners for their elders. Keep reading for more details.

RHONJ Melissa Gorga’s Son Stuns With Mature Handling Of Family

There has been such a struggle between Melissa Gorga and her sister-in-law, Teresa Giudice. Teresa has long had issues with Melissa and it has affected her relationship with her brother, Joe Gorga. Things got even worse after their father passed away and then, Teresa opted not to ask Melissa to be in her wedding to Luis Ruelas. This was hard as she always preached how important family was. It seemed like Melissa and Joe were there for the Giudices when Teresa was in jail. They spent a lot of time with her four daughters and, along with the Gorga’s three children, there was a close bond.

Joe and Melissa Gorga-Instagram
Joe and Melissa Gorga-Instagram

That has since dwindled and some of the Giudice girls have claimed that Melissa and Joe were never there when they needed them. The families are estranged and each side stayed in their lanes for the filming of Season 14 of RHONJ. However, everyone came together for Dolores Catania’s charity softball game, Battle for Brooklyn. While they were there, Melissa and her son, Joey had a run-in with Teresa. According to Bravo, Melissa was not going to keep her son from his aunt. She told him: “Go give your aunt a kiss hello.”

Joey Gorga, Melissa Gorga, Joe Gorga-Instagram
Joey Gorga, Melissa Gorga, Joe Gorga-Instagram

Though he could have followed his parents’ lead, Joey obliged and went over to show respect to Teresa Giudice, who asked how he was. She also kissed him on the cheek as he hugged her. Her daughter and his cousin, Gia Giudice, also hugged him but there was nothing for Melissa Gorga. The boutique owner had previously shared there was no relationship anymore between her and that side of the family. She told Andy Cohen this:

“The gloves are off, the masks are off — you might as well stop asking me. It’s not happening anymore .. it’s so over.”

Are The Kids In Touch?

As for whether or not the cousins stay in touch, Melissa Gorga did offer an update on that. She explained that they text for big events but do not see each other. However, Joey did show that he has an amazing amount of respect for his aunt when he has to. Hopefully, he will continue to stay the little gentleman that he is, and maybe the kids can at least reconnect.

Are you impressed by Joey going over to Teresa without hesitation? Does that say something about how he was raised? Let us know and watch RHONJ Sundays on Bravo.

Amanda Lauren

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