‘American Idol’ Katy Perry Replaced By Jon Bon Jovi?

Jon Bon Jovi GMA - YouTube

John Francis Bongiovi Jr. AKA Jon Bon Jovi is on the list of possible contenders to take over from Katy Perry on American Idol. The judge announced that she was going to go back to her roots with touring and singing.

Katy Perry’s Replacement Is Discussed A Lot

The I Kissed a Girl singer is nearly 40 years old, and she misses the days of touring and creativity. When she announced her plans, American Idol host, Ryan Seacrest noted that contracts on the talent show are renewable every year. So, she may return after a hiatus. Actually, he seems to like her a lot and felt that she brought a big heart to the table.

Katy Perry Wears Purple Metallic Coat [Source: YouTube]
American Idol Judge Katy Perry – YouTube
Katy Perry’s departure resulted in an alleged clash between Lionel Richie and Luke Byran. Allegedly, Luke wants Lionel to back off on pushing for a replacement that he wants. Meanwhile, fans of the show have their own ideas about the replacement: Meghan Trainor, Simon Cowell, Miley Cyrus, and more.

Jon Bon Jovi To Judge American Idol?

It might make good sense for Jon Bon Jovi to judge the talent show. After all, he mentored the performers on the show in the past. Additionally, he’s been seen in recent seasons of the show. Of course, it might be useless speculating though, as Jelly Roll is rumored to be keen on the job.

Jon Bon Jovi Mentored on American Idol - YouTube
Jon Bon Jovi Mentored and performed on American Idol – YouTube

According to Life and Style, a friend claimed that Jon Bon Jovi isn’t in talks with the executives to replace Katy Perry. After all, he’s rather expensive. However, another insider source claimed:

Jon is the undisputed top contender to succeed Katy. A living legend with undeniable charisma, he possesses all the qualities necessary to command the stage and captivate TV audiences…The crux of the matter is money. To secure a true rock icon of his caliber, one must invest accordingly!

As Jon Bon Jovi was up for mentoring one of the latest season’s Top 3 contestants, that doesn’t mean that the budget will run to a “$25 million pay stub” for him to replace Katy Perry. While a lot of people seem to think they know the person best for the job, it’s not cheap to produce it.

For now, it seems that the conjecture will continue until an official announcement arrives. In the meantime, people claim they want to see Taylor Swift or someone equally famous at the judges’ table.

What are your thoughts about the rumor that Jon Bon Jovi might replace Katy Perry? Do you think it might not happen because of the cost? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your American Idol news.

James Michael

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