‘Family Guy’ Missing From Fall Schedule, Is Fox Canceling Show?

Family Guy family sitting around living room / YouTube

For the first time since 2005, Fox is changing the schedule for its long-running adult animated series Family Guy. However, the move has many fans scared that the network might be considering canceling the popular series.

Here is what you need to know about when Family Guy will return to Fox, the reason for the schedule change, and if this means the network is canceling it.

Family Guy Not Coming Top Fox This Fall

The networks have released their Fall 2024 schedule and Family Guy is not listed on the schedule. This has many fans thinking Fox will cancel the show. Fans have been worried since Seth MacFarlane announced he was no longer writing the series and was just working as a voice talent.

Family Guy - Instagram

However, there is some good news for fans of the animated series. Fox is not canceling the show. Instead, Family Guy will be a mid-season show, which means it will arrive in January. While most mid-season shows that arrive in January are smaller seasons, that is also not the cast with this one. Instead, the show will still have a full season.

According to Fox President Michael Thorn (via The Hollywood Reporter), the show will play for the full season and there will be almost no breaks, making it run “mostly unbroken.” He then said that Family Guy is still a “crucial” part of Fox’s schedule. He also said that most people watch it on Hulu the next day, so not having breaks will improve that experience.

“We’ll give it a great relaunch for that part of our lineup, and we know that when it comes back on Sundays, it will resonate with our audience the way it always has,” Thorn said. But, why is Fox not scheduling the show this fall?

Fox Introducing New Animated Series On Sunday Nights This Fall

Fox is moving Family Guy to the mid-season launch so they can premiere a new animated series.  The new show is Universal Basic Guys. Thorn said that by moving Family Guy, NFL football helps “funnel in viewers” to see if Universal Basic Guys is a series that fans want to see more of.

The network is convinced it has a hit on its hands and already renewed the show for a second season. Adam and Craig Malamut created the series. Dan Lagana (DeadbeatAmerican Vandal) served as the Season 1 showrunner and Rob Rosell (DaveIt’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) will run Season 2.

Two other Fox shows – The Great North and Grimsburg – will also move to midseason premieres with Family Guy.

Are you disappointed that Family Guy won’t be back until January? Are you excited about the new show added to the schedule in its place? Let us know your comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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