‘Bachelorette’ Rachel Lindsay, Bryan Abasolo Money Dispute

Bachelorette alum Bryan Abasolo - Bachelor Nation - ABC YouTube

Bachelorette lead Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo tied the knot in August 2019 but now they’re in a bitter divorce dispute about money. Season 13’s rose winner claims he’s got a minimal income and that his estranged wife is holding onto the purse strings. Read on to find out more about his desire for her to help him with his defense costs.

ABC’s Rachel Lindsay Trusted Bryan Abasolo

When Bachelor Nation fans tuned in and watched Season 13 of The Bachelorette, Rachel seemed afraid that everything seemed too perfect about the chiropractor. However, he assured her that it might sound like “a fairytale,” but he’d always be there for her. Well, it’s debatable whether they gave each other much time for that as they lived different lives.

Rachel Lindsay Bachelorette - ExtraTV YouTube
Rachel Lindsay Bachelorette – ExtraTV YouTube

After her rise to fame, Rachel Lindsay started going out to lots of events. As Bryan Abasolo worked all day and often came home late, they seemed to be strangers passing in the night. Unfortunately, by the time she decided to scale back and think about children, the damage was done. Now, the man who reportedly has a net worth of between $1 million to $1.5 million, claims he is almost broke and he needs Rachel to help pay for his divorce.

Bryan Abasolo Accuses Rachel Of Using Their Joint Money

Radar Online reported that Bryan wants a good divorce team and a “forensic accountant,” but he can’t do that. Allegedly, she accesses their “community” money for her defense, but won’t give him any. Additionally, he wants to move out, but that takes cash. Yes, they still share a home. The Bachelorette Rose winner now also claims that “Rachel has security cameras outside our home. Only Rachel has the credentials to the security cameras, and Rachel can monitor my comings and goings.”

Bryan Abasolo assures Rachel Lindsay he will always be there for her - Bachelorette - ABC
Bryan Abasolo assures Rachel Lindsay he will always be there for her – Bachelorette – ABC

Shockingly, Rachel Lindsay’s ex recently claimed in court, that he only has an income of “$1,700 per month.” The outlet cited him as saying that:

He had $781k in real property but next to nothing in the bank. He said he had owned properties in North Hollywood and Miami, an air fryer, gym equipment, his $1k wedding band, and $51k in investment accounts.

ABC Fans React To Bryan’s Demands

The former Bachelorette star wants “$75k to help with legal fees and to hire a forensic accountant to comb through her finances.” Additionally, he’s upset because he claims that Rachel Lindsay feels the home they own is hers, but they jointly paid for it. However, he got little sympathy from ABC fans when the article was shared on Reddit.

One Bachelorette fan slammed Bryan, saying:

$1,700 a month?!? With all those IG ads 🧐 and his supposed “chiropractic business” boy needs to buy some common sense.

Others also agreed that something seemed off on the declared income, and that was further debated:

  • Something tells me he doesn’t make any profit from his business. And if I recall correctly, it’s located in Beverly Hills, so his rent alone is probably stupid. He should’ve thought this through before filing 😆
  • I truly hope they had a prenup so iron clad she gets everything and the air fryer.
  • I always felt their relationship was strained, their eyes never truly looked like they were happy but this is just low. And is going to get messy.
  • What a loser. Expects her to pay his lawyers when he filed for divorce?
  • It says she’s using “community $” to hire her own forensic accountant, and he wants his own. For what, I don’t know, probably to threaten/signal to Rachel that he wants all her finances combed thru too, and probably so he can end up with more $ in divorce after their short marriage like the grifter he is.

What are your thoughts about Bryan Abasolo’s claims that Rachel Lindsay is using their communal earnings for her lawyer, and he wants a piece of the pie for his defense? Do you think that he was just a grifter from the beginning? Or, do you think he is playing a very clever game with his salary and investments? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Bachelorette news.

James Michael

One Comment

  1. She’s a self righteous and mean human being. She deserves everything she gets. Hope he gets it all

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