‘Seeking Sister Wife’ Garrick Merrifield Always Been A Cheater

Seeking Sister Wife - Garrick Merrifield - TLC YouTube

Seeking Sister Wife star Garrick Merrifield seems universally disliked by TLC fans and now they think that he’s a cheater and that he cheated from the very beginning of his life with Dannielle. Additionally, they fully believe that he uses God as an excuse to jump into bed with people other than his now-divorced wife.

Garrick Merrifield Slept With Roberta

In Season 3 of the TLC show, Roberta caught up with Dannielle and her husband and admitted that they had physically started the baby-making process. However, it wasn’t meant to work that way. They were going to make babies while Dannielle waited in her room. However she was upset, so they told her to stay with them. As she went to get her things, the pair slipped in a quick one. And, that made fans agree he was a cheater.

Seeking Sister Wife Spoiler Garrick Merrifield - Roberta - Dannielle
Seeking Sister Wife stars Dannielle Merrifield, Garrick Merrifield, Roberta – Instagram

Since then, Garrick Merrifield and Dannielle tried to hook up with Lea, and in the current season, they try and convince Nathalia Lima that she’d make a great extra wife. As usual, he’s all about hotness and thinking about intimacy. Fortunately, she seems to have her brains in the right place, and TLC fans noticed she seems to shy away from committing to the USA.

Seeking Sister Wife Fans Think Dannielle’s Husband Cheats Lots

On April 4, a TLC viewer shared some photos on Reddit that originated with Dannielle. They showed the young couple when they started dating. Additionally, they revealed that they started dating when she was 18, but he had previously dated her best friend. As far as Seeking Sister Wife fans are concerned, that confirms he’s a cheater.

Garrick Merrifield dated Dannielle bestie - Via reddit
Garrick Merrifield dated Dannielle’s bestie – Via Reddit

The OP wrote:

Danielle met Garrick [Merrifield]  when he was dating her best friend!!! I had completely forgotten about this and now, with hindsight, it makes a lot of sense. He’s always had issues with fidelity and now he found a way to make his cheating “Godly.” 🤮

Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield, IG Via Reddit
Dannielle and Garrick Merrifield, IG Via Reddit

Seeking Sister Wife fans were quick to agree, and in the comments, they slammed Garrick. Here are some of their replies:

  • That best friend is probably laughing so hard at this show now. Girl dodged a bullet.
  • She’s probably clapping and jumping up and down that she took him off her hands! LMFAO the guys a f–king loser and a dud with zero personality outside of looking for pumpum like an addict. Nobody with a stable mental state would ever for the life of them put up with this s–t. Ever.
  • Sadly I think she’s letting him cheat in front of her instead of behind her back (which I still think she’d accept) tagging along so he won’t run away with the other women.
  • cheaters are always going to cheat. No one woman would ever be enough for a man like that. I’d bet a whole lot that he has been unfaithful the entire relationship.

What are your thoughts about Garrick Merrifield dating Dannielle’s bestie before he hooked up with her? Do you agree that he seems to be a cheater? After all, he did sleep with Roberta when he said that he wouldn’t. Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Seeking Sister Wife news.

James Michael

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