Mama June Stealing From Alana Will Destroy Marriage To Justin

Mama June-YouTube

Will Mama June Shannon’s stealing from Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson destroy her marriage to Justin Stroud? The couple has been married for around two years now and have had their highs and lows. One of Justin’s biggest pet peeves is when June lies and that is something she constantly does. Will this be a game-changer? Keep reading for more details.

Mama June Stealing From Alana Will Destroy Marriage To Justin

Justin Stroud appears to be a very levelheaded and calming influence on Family Crisis. Yet, in recent TikToks from 2024, he has been rude and harsh to his wife, Mama June. He is short-tempered and mocks June constantly so it makes followers wonder if he is just a gold digger. Now that the drama is heating up on the family’s reality show, he has made it clear what his dealbreakers are. If he is to stay sober, honesty is key and that is not something June is good at. She is known to lie to everyone around her, even those whom she holds close.

Mama June, Justin Stroud-YouTube
Mama June, Justin Stroud-YouTube

Last season, Justin took exception to the fact that June lied to his mother about how close she was to her children. He did not like that they were starting off on a lie. Now, he is seeing how she has lied to her daughters about how much money Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson had saved up. More so, June fabricated as to why she had the amount she did and Justin felt like a fool for not knowing anything. According to In Touch Weekly, he shares the lies could end their marriage.

Justin had this to say: “Before it’s all said and done, she’s going to ruin this marriage and her relationship with the kids if things don’t change. It really threatens my relationship with the girls because I look like a villain when there’s money missing.” Mama June also maintained that Alana’s money was taxed 50% which Justin does not believe:

“June must think I’m some kind of idiot. Cali’s tax is high but it ain’t that high. They look at me like a stepdad and I’m thrown into a bunch of lying and stolen money, she doesn’t understand that it doesn’t just affect her, it affects all of us.”

Staying On A Good Page

Justin Stroud is lucky because the kids seem to think that he is a good influence and had no prior knowledge. Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson did call Mama June out for not being able to help her with her tuition. However, she does keep Justin in bejeweled necklaces so how is that fair? June has admitted she owes Alana money and spoke out on social media:

“It was just a lump sum at that time and then I went and kind of divided it up and when the kids wanted something, they got it.”

She does owe her youngest $30K but Anna Cardwell’s cancer battle detracted her from making the deposit. It is unclear if that has been made since but Alana was on social media begging for help with her Spring tuition.

Do you think Mama June’s lies will cause Justin to leave her or will he keep riding the money train? Let us know your thoughts and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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