Josh Duggar Could Get Harsh Punishment Over Found Contraband

Josh Duggar mugshot - Washington County Sheriff's Office (KW Shiny Happy People)

Josh Duggar could end up spending more time in prison. This is due to what was found in the prison unit he shares with other inmates. The warden of the Texas prison does not take finding contraband lightly. The warden has vowed there will be harsh punishments for having contraband in the prison.

The Prison’s Shake Down

There was a shake-down in the prison unit Josh Duggar shares with other inmates. At the time of publication, it is unclear who ordered the shake-down. It is possible the warden issued the order personally.

The new warden at the Seagoville, Texas, which is located just outside of Texas, is serious about stopping contraband in the prison. She has promised prisoners will receive harsh punishments if they are found with any type of contraband.

What Was Found In Josh Duggar’s Unit?

During the shakedown of the prison unit where Josh Duggar is confined, there were several items found that are considered contraband. Contraband in prisons can be anything from unauthorized books to weapons.

There were several different types of contraband found in Josh Duggar’s prison unit. The only type to be named was alcohol. At the time of publication, it was unknown if any other illegal items were found.

“Josh’s building got shook down this week and they found a bunch of contraband. I know they found a bunch of alcohol,” a source from close to the prison revealed.

Anna and Josh Duggar - Twitter
Anna and Josh Duggar – Twitter

The Possible Punishments For Having Contraband

The punishments for having contraband can vary greatly from prison to prison. The type of contraband is also used to determine which punishment could be used.

“No word on whether the mass punishments have ensued,” the source stated. “But it would most likely be taking away phone and email privileges.” Although that punishment may not sound very harsh, keep in mind being able to make telephone calls and send and receive emails are some of the limited ways inmates in prison have to communicate with their friends and loved ones.

Josh Duggar - Anna Duggar Youtube

Did Josh Duggar Have Any Contraband?

At the time of publication, it was unclear if Josh Duggar was found to have contraband in his possession. Members of an FCI Seagoville Facebook group for loved ones of inmates claimed there were six inmates found to have the contraband.

Members of the Facebook group were angry over the shakedown. They are claiming others in the prison unit could be punished for the contraband, even if they were not found with any illegal items. This means it does not really matter if Josh Duggar was found to have contraband. He could still have to face the consequences of the other prisoners’ actions.

At the time of publication, it was unknown if Josh Duggar had any contraband or not. The source close to the prison could not confirm who was found with the illegal items.

Tell us what you think. Do you think the punishment for having contraband fits the crime? Other than alcohol, what else do you think could have been found? Do you think Josh Duggar had any type of contraband in his possession? Sound off in the comment section below.


Emma Riley Sutton

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