Hannah Gosselin Gets Candid On Boyfriend Lennon

Hannah Gosselin and Lennon Johnson Jr - YouTube

Hannah Gosselin went to live with her dad, Jon Gosselin who left Jon and Kate Plus 8 over a decade ago. She has a boyfriend named Lennon Johnson Jr. Did you know that they have been dating for quite some time? Read on to find out more as they opened up and got candid about their relationship.

Hannah Gosselin Graduated High School

Last year, the sextuplets from Jon and Kate Plus 8 graduated. Collin and his sister who live with their dad were surprised because their mom, Kate Gosselin arrived for their special day. Bear in mind, that Collin and his mom were estranged for a long time. Additionally, his sister opted to live with her father. Naturally, TLC fans are well aware of the toxic family dynamics.

Hanna Gosselin - Instagram
Hanna Gosselin – Instagram

Hannah Gosselin is so grown up, that social media followers constantly declare their surprise. Some Jon and Kate Plus 8 fans felt a bit envious because she got some offers about college and employment opportunities in 2022. Now that She’s 19 years old, she’s free to date anyone she chooses. And her boyfriend., Lennon Johnson Jr. is two years older than her.

Jon & Kate Plus 8 Fans Met Lennon Johnson Jr. On YouTube

A year ago, the new couple dropped their first vlog on YouTube and did a Q&A session to let their followers know how they met. You can see it further down in this article. This week they opened up a bit more in an interview with ET’s Kevin Frazier. Hannah told him that Lennon always tries to be “the best version of himself.” Naturally, it will interest TLC fans to know if Kate Gosselin and her estranged ex-husband, Jon approve of Lennon.

Lennon and Hannah Gosselin - YouTube
Lennon and Hannah Gosselin – YouTube

Hannah Gosselin and Lennon met in an unremarkable way. Like so many young people, their paths just happened to cross. For the former TLC starlet, it came when she and a bunch of friends ended up “at his house.” As for whether he gets on with her dad, well, the three of them were enjoying time together when the interview happened.

Hannah Gosselin Gets Candid About Boyfriend & Relationships

The interview revealed that Jon Gosselin has no issues with Lennon. In fact, they seem to get along like a house on fire. Furthermore, his mom also likes her grandaughter’s polite boyfriend. Hannah related why:

Oh, she actually likes Lennon. He sat and he held the umbrella for her while it rained and they talked. They get along.


As for Kate Gosselin, there were fewer specifics from Hannah, but she did meet Lennon Johnson Jr. who studies cyber security. Hannah explained, “Well, yeah. She’s my mom…We talk about school and we talk about life. She knows Lennon…”

Did you know that Hannah Gosselin has been dating Lennon Johnson Jr. for over a year? Are you glad that he gets along fine with her dad, Jon Gosselin? Does it surprise you that she’s in contact with her mom, Kate? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your TLC news.

James Michael

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