Luke Bryan Reveals Fear ‘American Idol’ Will Fire Him

Luke Bryan [Source: YouTube]

Luke Bryan has been a judge on American Idol since 2018. Despite his several years serving as a judge to the competition reality show, the “Someone Else Calling You Baby” singer is worried about American Idol letting him go. Luke Bryan does not appear to be the type of man to worry about nothing. There very well could be something to his concerns about his job.

The Luke Bryan And Dustin Lynch Drama

It is no secret that there has been some teasing surrounding both Luke Bryan and Dustin Lynch. Fans of both country music stars know Luke Bryan made some unflattering comments about the “The World Ain’t Yours And Mine” singer. Those less-than-kind comments has Bryan worried he might lose his job as a judge on American Idol. This was over something that was simply a joke. When Luke introduced Dustin at a concert he said:

“No one has drank more liquor. No one has vomited more. No one has taken more drugs. No one has taken more IVs. No one has passed more STD tests than this next gentleman, ladies and gentlemen. He got a clean bill. He does not have diseases. Give it up for Dustin Lynch!”

These comments were made by Luke Bryan as an introduction for Dustin Lynch. They were both at the 2023 Crash My Playa music festival in Mexico. Even though the introduction was given last year, drama is still bubbling around both Bryan and Lynch.

Luke Bryan Did Apologize

Luke Bryan did take the time to apologize to the “Old Country Song” singer. Using his Instagram account, Bryan explained how “He and I are all good.” He also explained how he loves Dustin Lynch and how Lynch is one of his “dearest friends on the planet.”

The “Most People Are Good” singer went on to explain how what he said was only “sarcasm.” Luke said his words were “absurd.” Bryan didn’t expect anyone to believe him.

Luke went as far as to apologize to Dustin Lynch’s parents. During the iHeartPodcast and Meat Eater’s God’s Country podcast, Lynch explained how Bryan had asked for his parent’ email addresses, in order to extend the apology to Lynch’s family. The “Dirt Road” singer went on to say he knew Bryan was worrying about American Idol

Will American Idol Let Luke Go?

In a world where being politically correct rules over being humorous and sarcastic, is there a possibility American Idol will fire Luke Bryan? People have lost their jobs over far less in recent years so it might have. Only time will tell if Luke Bryan will remain a judge on the reality show. Luke is still on this season so you would think if they were going to let him go it would have already happened.


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Tell us what you think. Were Luke Bryan’s words too much? Was he truly being sarcastic? Were his apologies to Dustin Lynch and Lynch’s parents sincere? Should Luke Bryan be fired from American Idol? Sound off in the comment section below.  


Mandy Robinson

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