‘Southern Charm’ Thomas Ravenel Called ‘Disgusting’ & ‘Predator’

Thomas Ravenel-YouTube

Southern Charm alum Thomas Ravenel has been called both “disgusting” and a “predator.” This all happened after the bombshell revelation that he slept with Olivia Flowers. He does have a penchant for younger women so that is where this comment comes from. Furthermore, he has been in some legal trouble. So, what exactly led to these words? Read on for more details.

Southern Charm Thomas Ravenel Called ‘Disgusting’ & ‘Predator’

When Southern Charm first began, Thomas Ravenel was fifty years old. Yet, he hung out with all of the guys and played with the girls. He ended up in a romance with Kathryn Dennis who was just twenty-one. Their romance was extremely combative but, of course, they found themselves with two children. He ended up gaining custody of the littles when Kathryn needed help for substance issues. However, his hands were not clean in any capacity as he was accused of sexual assault. Plus, he had been in prison back in 2008 for drug charges.

Kathryn Dennis-YouTube
Kathryn Dennis-YouTube

Now, thanks to issues between Olivia Flowers and Taylor Ann Green, he is back in the Southern Charm spotlight. Olivia had been accused of hooking up with Thomas at the Season 8 reunion but denied it until Taylor threw it in her face this reunion. Admittedly, she did hook up with him but wanted to take it to her grave. Thomas clapped back, saying she used him to get on the show and corrected a few narratives. He also sent out a wild since-deleted tweet which received some backlash, as well.

Thomas Ravenel-Twitter
Thomas Ravenel-Twitter

Thomas Ravenel is alluding to the idea the show keeps bringing him up for rating’s sake. More so, when he was gone, they were canceled, and had to bring in three new cast members to compensate. Of course, @bravooomg responded to his thoughts. They let him know that he was “disgusting” and a “predator” plus whatever he did on the show essentially was a “stain.” After that, he deleted the initial tweet as he often is known to do when he gets called out.

Fans Don’t Get It

Many Southern Charm fans and those who just know about the series cannot comprehend how he keeps getting these young girls. They are also questioning what the choices really are of Charleston men:

Fortunately, Thomas’ ex, Kathryn Dennis spoke out and does not seem to care what he does or who he does it with. What do you think of the names Thomas was called? Is he somewhat of a predator or just knows how to use his minor fame to get ladies? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and watch Southern Charm Thursdays on Bravo.

Amanda Lauren

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