Meri Brown Never Truly Rid Of Kody

Meri, Kody Brown-YouTube

Sister Wives star, Meri Brown will never truly be rid of her ex-husband, Kody Brown. She made the decision to finally leave him after years of him pulling away. Now, he has something to say about where they stand post-divorce but what is it? Read on for more details.

Meri Brown Never Truly Rid Of Kody

For over a decade, Kody Brown made it abundantly clear, at least to the Sister Wives audience, that he wanted nothing to do with his first wife, Meri Brown. It started around the time that she was catfished and they were struggling in their marriage. She had asked him to leave but she claims that she never expected him not to return. He admits that they had grown apart long before and this was just really it for them. Plus, she was no longer his only legal wife. The two had tied the knot in 1990 but divorced in 2014. This was so he could marry his fourth wife, Robyn Brown, and adopt her three children from a previous marriage.

Meri Brown/YouTube

Kody said that he would be perfectly fine if Meri wanted to go off and find someone new. Then, his third wife, Christine Brown left the family in 2021 with second wife, Janelle Brown following suit. Eventually, in the Season 18 finale, Meri shared she was done, as well. According to People, Kody is not truly ready to let Meri go from his life. Despite her being an ex-wife who he pushed away, Kody had this to say:

“The evolution of everything that happened with Meri and I over the past 20 years has had an effect to where we’ve come to here. Her and I separating permanently was basically just what I thought was a very gentle negotiation of where we’re at — what our personalities are like, and what we can give to each other and what we can’t.”

Kody Brown/YouTube

Kody went on to add that he is hopeful his ex-wife will feel free to phone him if she is in need of anything. However, it has come up on the show that he is not the most reliable source to come running. Janelle proved that when she was living in the RV and claimed she did most things on her own or they would not get done. As for Meri Brown, she may have already moved forward.

Meri’s New Life

During Sister Wives: Talk Back Part 2, Meri Brown was joined by her good friend, Jenn at her B&B. She shared that she was ready to date again but was very specific about what she was looking for. This led fans to believe that she may already have found her person. So, even if Kody is open to being there for her, she might not need him anymore.

Do you think Kody has remorse for how poorly he treated Meri so now he is trying to make up for that? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

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