Honey Boo Boo Shares Coming To Terms With Anna’s Death

Mama June and Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson from ET Interview on YouTube

After Anna Cardwell passed away on December 9, 2023, she left behind many adoring family members who are struggling to come to terms with her death. Her youngest sister Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson is among them.

Although they will always keep Anna in their hearts and minds forever, the family is working on moving forward. Alana Thompson recently shared a new TikTok over the situation.

However, not everyone thought the video was in good taste. Keep reading to get the scoop.

Alana Thompson share her grief process on TikTok

Plenty of Honey Boo Boo’s fans were saddened to hear that Anna Cardwell passed away after battling stage four adrenal carcinoma for nearly a year. However, several are appalled at how the family has handled the tragedy.

Mama June, Alana Thompson, Lauryn Efird, and Jessica Shannon from ET Interview on YouTube

On Reddit in particular, fans have shared their thoughts and opinions. Many believe that they’re trying to capitalize off Anna’s death and drum up support by any means necessary.

A Redditor recently shared one of Alana’s TikToks, which only solidified how people felt about the situation.

In the video caption, Honey Boo Boo describes how she’s handled Anna’s passing. She said that it’s something she doesn’t think she will ever move past, which many fans understand. She’s also working on coming to terms with her sister’s death in her own way.

But after briefly touching on grief, Alana immediately moves on to talk about a fundraiser for Anna’s surviving children.


❤️‍🩹fundraiser for Anna’s Christmas to her girls ❤️‍🩹 🥰our amazing freshie girl Ez-Aroma freshies by megan produced us 100 freshies in remembrance of our sister Anna. As many may not know she didn’t have much to leave behind for her girls or hardly anyone only a few keepsake items. We were all spending so much time together the last few weeks Christmas slipped everyone minds. I’d love to on behalf of the sisters closet donate all the money made from these freshies & split it between Anna’s two girls Kylee and Kaitlyn for their Christmas. I know presents & money won’t help the grieving process but their mother did love Christmas & I want to make it special for them. I also would like to donate $1,000 extra of my sales to a cancer charity as well in Anna’s honor. 🥰 ‼️These will be live on the website tonight at 8:30pm est. There will be 50 with glitter and 50 without. And so many scents to choose from. Let’s sell them out ‼️ #Foreveranna #fyp #CapCut #honeybooboo #fuckcancer

♬ original sound – lanaaaa in the houseeee 🥳

Many viewers found the post incredibly ghoulish. Some of the disgruntled comments on the Reddit forum included:

  • To quote Jennifer Aniston they are ‘missing a sensitivity chip.'”
  • Utterly disgusting. Carnival barkers over their sister’s death.”
  • Why is it when someone passes away the first thing that comes to mind is money? I am so sorry those sweet babies lost their mother, but as a family it is your job to provide for those children now, not all of your fans who you are preying on!”

The family made Anna’s cancer battle a very public affair

Overall, most Mama June fans agree that the family seems to be using their grief and personal family tragedy to make money from viewers. They reportedly had Anna’s cancer battle filmed for television. They also invited the public to Anna’s funeral, though that reportedly was not filmed.

In the public’s opinion, this appears to be another opportunity to exploit Anna’s tragic death.

What did you think about Alana Thompson’s TikTok? Did you think it was in poor taste? Or do you think that this is just the family’s way of grieving and healing? Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

Follow TV Shows Ace to keep up with the rest of Honey Boo Boo’s family. There will be plenty of news and updates to share very shortly.

Nikole Behrens
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