‘Teen Mom’ Kailyn Lowry Finally Confirms Twins’ Genders, Son In Tears

Kailyn Lowry from MTV's Teen Mom

Kailyn Lowry of MTV’s Teen Mom is pregnant with twins. While there has been some chatter that she’s already given birth, her social media activity presents as if she’s still pregnant.

Initially, rumors swirled Kailyn Lowry was pregnant with two boys. During her 3-part gender reveal, she initially told everyone she was pregnant with two boys. It was not until the third video that she revealed the true gender of the twins. She was pregnant with a boy and a girl.

Teen Mom fans were all over the place with their feelings on this confirmation. For example, some questioned why the results initially stated they were both boys. What did fans have to say about this gender reveal? Keep scrolling for the details.

Kailyn Lowry / YouTube
Kailyn Lowry [Source: YouTube, MTV]

Kailyn Lowry Confirms Twins’ Gender: Boy & Girl

It was just yesterday that Kailyn Lowry uploaded the final part of her gender reveal series. She uploaded it to all her major social media platforms. The video featured her boys kicking soccer balls that exploded with colorful smoke.

The first ball exploded a baby blue smoke. The second ball, however, exploded with pink smoke. Everyone screamed with excitement.

Lincoln, however, may have been the most excited as his reaction to the news brought Teen Mom fans in the comments to tears.

MTV Fans React

Other cast members of MTV’s Teen Mom poured into the comments of her posts with excitement. They knew having a baby girl was something Kailyn wanted for a long time. So, they were thrilled she finally got her wish.

Kailyn Lowry - YouTube
Kailyn Lowry [Source: YouTube, MTV]
Many joked that dating wasn’t going to be easy for a little girl with six brothers (one being her twin). Others jested that she would also be the most protected little girl with so many big brothers.

Not everyone celebrated the news, unfortunately. There are many Teen Mom fans who fear Kailyn Lowry will play favorites with her daughter. These fans also express concerns that the baby girl will get more attention than her twin brother. Sadly, these fans believe things would have been better if Kailyn had just had all boys.

Understandably, many fans are also just frustrated. They are frustrated Kailyn Lowry turned her gender reveal into a three-part series. Furthermore, they are annoyed that she initially told everyone she was having two boys.

Did you think it was sweet that she involved her boys in the gender reveal? Do you agree that Lincoln’s reaction to the news was precious? More importantly, did you think Kailyn Lowry was pregnant with two boys or did you suspect a girl was in the mix?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. And, keep coming back for more Teen Mom news.

Allie Johnson

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