Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell Sends Ominous Message In Case Of Passing

Anna Cardwell, Kylee Cardwell, Kaitlyn Shannon-Facebook

Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell is sending an ominous message in case of her passing. She is currently battling stage 4 adrenal carcinoma and it is terminal. Though she has thought about the reality of what could happen, she is making it a reality. So, what exactly is she saying? Read on for more details.

Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell Sends Ominous Message In Case Of Passing

In early 2023, Anna Cardwell was diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma. She had undergone chemo and her mother, Mama June was even moving to Georgia to be closer to her. At the time, June had been living in Alabama with her husband, Justin Stroud. Yet, once her daughter was diagnosed, she rushed to be by her side to help with whatever she needed. Furthermore, she wanted to be there for Anna’s two young kids as the situation was very serious and they ran the risk of losing their mother.

Anna Cardwell Youtube
Anna Cardwell-Youtube

Recently, Mama June gave an update on Anna’s situation and revealed that it is terminal. Per a Reddit thread, they shared what June said: “On June’s TikTok live today she said Anna’s recent scans showed the cancer tumor(s) has slightly grown, so she started immunotherapy a week ago. In 5 weeks they’ll know whether or not it’s working.” Now, according to The Sun, Anna has sent an ominous message to her fans but it was more like a special request. The former reality star shared it on her Instagram page hoping that those who saw it would honor her wishes.

Anna Cardwell-Instagram
Anna Cardwell-Instagram

Mama June has shared that Anna Cardwell’s two children are aware of what is going on and the possibility that their mom may not make it. However, it is clear that Anna wants to ensure that her legacy lives on and not just from what they may see on television or hear from her three sisters, Aunt, mother, and boyfriend. More so, from the kindness of strangers who will feel compelled to honor Anna’s legacy. She is fighting hard and still keeps a smile on her face as much as she can.

Coming Next Season

When the last season of Family Crisis began, Mama June was not on a good page with her other three daughters. Yet, Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell showed up for her mother despite just having surgery. She was even there for June and Justin’s Florida vow renewal. Sadly, the season ended with June and Anna breaking the news to Pumpkin and Honey Boo Boo about Anna’s cancer. It seems the new season will start in March or April 2024 so they may pick up where they left off.

Hopefully, this message will never have to be spread as Anna will have a full recovery. What do you think of this message she has left? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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