Do Kody & Robyn Brown Have A Dog Now? See Latest Sighting

Robyn and Kody Brown/YouTube

A new photo featuring Robyn and Kody Brown has surfaced. A photo that has fans of TLC’s Sister Wives asking some questions. The number one question: Did they get a dog? Why does this photo make fans think Robyn and Kody got a new dog? Keep reading for the details or scroll down to check out the photo.

Do Kody & Robyn Brown Have A Dog Now? See Latest Sighting

A YouTuber named Backwoods Barbi got her hands on a fresh selfie of Kody and Robyn Brown. The YouTuber noted their daughter Ariella was also in the photo. Surprisingly, Ariella is frequently spotted in fresh sighting photos of Kody and Robyn. What fans usually don’t see, however, is Solomon or any of Robyn’s other children. Likewise, it is exceedingly rare for a new photo of Kody with a child from his other wives to surface either.

Kody, Robyn, and Ariella aren’t the only ones in this particular photo. Zooming out, Backwoods Barbi goes off the rails and calls everyone’s attention to the dog in the photo. Noticeably, the dog has an amused expression on its face. The expression made fans think even the dog questions why it is in a photo with Robyn and Kody. Is it possible they got a new pet?

Kody Brown Robyn Brown YouTube

Robyn & Kody  Don’t Particularly Like Dogs

As fans know, Kody & Robyn are not huge fan of dogs. There was an iconic moment on the show when Janelle Brown was put into a position where she had to pick between Kody and her dogs. Kody didn’t care for the dogs sleeping in her bed or on furniture. And, he basically gave her an ultimatum to deal with it if she wanted him to keep coming around.

Now, Janelle Brown left everyone in stitches when she made it clear there was no competition. She would always choose a dog over Kody. There was a scene where fans watched in horror as Robyn used her leg to kick one of Janelle’s dogs away.

While Sister Wives fans thought the dog was a hilarious addition to the photo, they highlighted doubt Robyn and Kody would get a dog. Most fans agree the couple is far too selfish and self-absorbed to make time for a dog. Likewise, as far as fans know, Kody just doesn’t care for dogs.

Robyn and Kody Brown - YouTube
YouTube/Backwoods Barbi 

Some Sister Wives fans suspect the dog was likely being held by someone who just happened to be near the couple when the photo was snapped. Still, that didn’t stop fans from talking about it on YouTube:

  • You got me with the dog in the picture… not even dogs can tolerate Kody and Robyn”
  • “I can’t help but to tell the dog to run. Run for your life!!!”
  • “Lol The dog looks terrified of Robyn.”

Check out the video down below to hear what the YouTuber had to say about the photo:

Do you think Kody and Robyn Brown would get a dog? Or, did this dog just photobomb them? Share your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more Sister Wives news.

Allie Johnson

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