‘Sister Wives:’ Does Kody Brown Support Leon’s Transition?

Kody Brown - Leon Brown - Sister Wives - YouTube/Instagram

The only child Kody and Meri Brown had together came out as transgender back in June of last year. Their child announced that their pronouns were now them/them. And, they had changed their name and now wished to be called Leo/Leon Brown.

Unsurprisingly, this shocking reveal sent fans of TLC’s Sister Wives into a frenzy. The biggest thing for fans, however, was the confusion. Leon Brown was born as a biological female. Leon Brown came out as a lesbian and was in a loving relationship with Audrey Kriss. Fans struggled to understand what coming out as trans meant for Leon’s relationship with Audrey.

Turns out, things got even more complicated with Audrey Kriss confirmed they were also transgender. Moreover, both have been working on transitioning into the gender they identify as.

Now, fans are pretty all over the place with their thoughts on Leon and Audrey. One big thing fans want to know, however, is how Leon’s father Kody feels about all of this. Does Kody Brown support his child transitioning? Does Kody Brown honor Leon’s pronouns? Or, does Kody Brown disrespect his child and continue to use their dead name?

Kody Brown from Sisters Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube
Kody Brown from Sisters Wives, TLC
Sourced from YouTube

Sister Wives: Does Kody Brown Support Leon’s Transition?

Sitting down with The Sun, a source close to the family shares whether Kody Brown supports Leon’s transition. Likewise, the source reveals if Kody has a relationship with his child, Leon Brown.

Unfortunately, the source reveals Kody Brown does NOT support his child’s transition. Moreover, Kody has had no relationship with his child since they started to identify as Leo/Leon.

The source claims Kody actually tells his friends he has no idea who “this person” is. But, that Leon Brown is not the daughter he knows. The daughter he raised.

Meri and Leon Brown-Sister Wives-Instagram
Meri and Leon Brown-Sister Wives-Instagram

As fans know, Leon Brown has distanced themselves from their famous family after coming out as transgender. Leon, however, does still maintain a relationship with their mother. Meri Brown has been very openly supportive of both Leon and Leon’s partner Audrey.

Shockingly, Kody Brown openly follows several accounts on Instagram that very knowingly and publically hate the transgender community. Moreover, Kody Brown does not follow Leon and Leon does not follow Kody. It, however, is unclear exactly when they cut ties on social media.

Sadly, it appears as if the door on Kody having any sort of relationship with Leon may be closed for good. Fans, however, take comfort in knowing that Meri will continue to love and support their child.

Do you understand why Kody Brown might have a hard time supporting Leon Brown? Do you think Leon has a hard time knowing their father considers them to be a stranger? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more Sister Wives news.

Allie Johnson

One Comment

  1. Kody Brown doesn’t support the transgender community and his daughter he doesn’t recognize as straight. She was born female and for him, he knows no Leon Brown. I think for both of them, their worlds are different now and neither can accept the changes they have made in their lives. I’m sure Leon Brown has heard that her father considers her a stranger to him. What Kody Brown does not realize or has not considered is the changes he has made to the families. Has he considered his actions to each of his three wives that he knowingly was trying to remove so it could be Robyn only or has he considered if Robyn will leave him if he considers taking other wives? No matter what gender his daughter may be, she will always be his daughter in the eyes of God. She was born into this world as female and God makes no mistakes of the genders of his children ( this is like Adam, Eve, and the Serpent (the Devil). God did not create transgender children and he did not give them the knowledge or feeling of changing their sex. Remember, the devil has knowledge also and God’s children cannot increase the population of God’s world if some of his children choose the same sex partner. My opinion does not matter about same sex because God is the judge and I am just his child trying to live the best I can. No one is perfect and if you are you don’t need God, do you?

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