Bethenny Frankel’s Mission Is To Bring Down Bravo?

Bethenny Frankel-YouTube

Is RHONY alum Bethenny Frankel’s current mission to bring Bravo down? Though she left the franchise prior to Season 12, she has had trouble truly distancing herself from the housewives. Now, she is trying to lead a rebellion but what is the true purpose behind it all? Read on for more detail on what is going on with Frankel.

Bethenny Frankel’s Mission Is To Bring Down Bravo?

When Bethenny Frankel started on the Bravo series, RHONY in Season 1, she had nothing but a boyfriend, a dog, and a dream. She worked hard and ended up becoming extremely successful. Plus, she found a husband and had a baby then left the show for two spin-offs based on what she was going through. It showcased Frankel as a businesswoman, mother, and wife but eventually, her marriage crumbled. She then returned to RHONY in Season 7 and actually attributed her success to the show. During its 100th episode special, she teared up as she thanked Andy Cohen for launching her to where she was.

Bethenny Frankel-YouTube
Bethenny Frankel-YouTube

However, right before the Bravo series returned for Season 12, Bethenny Frankel made the shocking decision to not return. She went on to trash the show and even the network. Many wanted to remind her that this was where she came from but it seems to be her brand to complain. So, is she just trying to take the network down in general? According to Page Six, it seems like that is her goal. Recently, she declared that all Bravo-lebs should boycott Bravocon 2023. She further added that they should follow suit like those in the SAG-AFTRA/writer strike.

Bethenny Frankel CBS Sunday Morning Interviewn[CBS Sunday Morning | YouTube]
Bethenny has alleged reality stars are “manipulated” and drowned in alcohol plus many more claims thrown at NBCUniversal/Bravo. She went so far as to recruit high-powered lawyers Mark Geragos and Bryan Friedman. They then sent a letter off, stating: “grotesque and depraved mistreatment,” “plying cast members with alcohol while depriving them of food and sleep,” “denying mental health treatment to cast members,” and finally “covering up acts of sexual violence.” These are some scathing claims that cannot easily be taken back.

Talking Too Much

Bethenny Frankel is known to talk a lot and say whatever she feels. Yet, now she is apparently chatting in the Hamptons about this situation and bragging. Allegedly, she has around eighty reality stars on her side and she is quite confident in her cause. An insider said that she is sharing that she is going to bring Bravo down. Additionally, she also issued a warning not to cross her. However, Lea Black, a former cast member of RHOM feels that Bethenny is just acting ungrateful.

There’s clearly a lot to unpack but it seems some stars from Bravo and those Frankel wants in her corner are a little confused. They have had a great experience and are not going to go against the brand that made them. Do you think that Bethenny is going a little too far this time? Moreover, has she really forgotten where she came from and how Bravo helped her achieve her goals? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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