’90 Day Fiance’ Real Or Staged? The Cast Shares The Truth

Jenny Slatten YouTube 90 Day Fiancé

Is 90 Day Fiance real or staged? The cast answers this age-long question since so many reality shows have elements of feeling produced. Plus, the cast can often be coaxed into saying and doing what will be good for entertainment value. With so many seasons and spinoffs, how can TLC really keep the show fresh without some staging? Read on to see what the cast had to say about the situation.

90 Day Fiance Real Or Staged? The Cast Shares The Truth

It is no secret that one of TLC’s most popular reality shows, Return to Amish, is not real. Cast member Daniel Miller has not been Amish for around six years now. He has even referred to himself and castmate Kenneth Detweiler as actors. Yet, they are depicting what leaving Amish life would be like. Therefore, it is totally plausible that 90 Day Fiance would be completely similar given the people that they cast. Furthermore, they seem to fail at vetting some of the people who end up getting on the show (Geoffrey Paschel), and that continues to raise red flags.

geoffrey paschel/youtube/oxygen
[Geoffrey Paschel-YouTube]
According to In Touch Weekly, a few cast members have spoken out about how staged it is. During Season 5, Annie Suwan and David Toborowsky had close friends named Chris and his wife, Nikki. Chris helped David a lot, especially financially. They ended up having a YouTube channel where they answered the question of how scripted 90 Day Fiance was. Per Chris: “Well, absolutely part of it is. No question. Some of it is real and then teased with and added to, subtracted from.”

David And Annie Toborowsky 90 Day Fiance YouTube
[David, Annie-YouTube]
His wife, Nikki went on to clarify: “I wouldn’t say that there’s a written script that’s like, ‘Hey, read this line, read this line,’ But there are times where there are different people or producers that come up to you and say, ‘Oh, I think it would be cool if you do this,’ or ‘I think you should say this.’” Deavan Clegg from The Other Way confessed that her Season 1 storyline was pretty much all fake. More so, she had never moved to Korea but rather went to visit. However, due to the show’s contract, she had to make it look a certain way.

More Tales From The Show

There are other 90 Day Fiance tales to be told. Natalie Mordovtseva shared that she and her ex, Mike Youngquist had never stopped talking while they were apart. Yet, he refused to film for The Single Life hence how his helping her mother in Ukraine came together. That was the connecting dot for the two of them to unite despite havine never really disconnected. However, Ben Rathbun from Before the 90 Days, claimed that it was real as he had his heart broken in Peru. Then it was mended. There was a lot to unpack with him.

It seems that bits and pieces are created to go with the narrative that TLC wants to portray. Yet, in the end, everyone has their own experience with the show, which is what makes it great. Do you  think that the show is staged? Let us know and watch 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Sundays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

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