Rob Marciano Shares Heartbreaking News Amid Studio Ban

Rob Marciano

Rob Marciano shared heartbreaking news amid his ongoing studio ban. Just a month ago, it was reported that he was banned from the New York City studios. Rob made a brief appearance on Good Morning America to share some sad news. Keep on reading to learn more.

Rob Marciano banned from ABC Studios

Page Six first reported that ABC banned Rob from the studios after he made “people feel uncomfortable.” The report didn’t go into specifics about what happened. Rob lost his cool as he dealt with the aftermath of his divorce from his ex-wife Eryn. He also “made a female colleague feel uncomfortable last year.”

One insider revealed that this stemmed from an “improper” situation that made everyone feel uncomfortable. ABC Studios ultimately “punished” Rob for what happened by banning him from the studios. He can’t return at this time. Another source said there have been “a number of alarming events.”

Rob Marciano Tracks Storms In Mississippi [Source: Rob Marciano - Instagram Stories]
[Source: Rob Marciano – Instagram Stories]
The sources didn’t explain what happened between Rob Marciano and his colleagues. He struggled with “anger issues” after his divorce from Eryn. The meteorologist would show up to work “cranky” and “angry.”

Sources claimed that Rob would display “unsavory behavior” that got him pulled from GMA for a month. He has since returned to the morning show but on an occasional basis. Rob has since expressed a desire to return to the show, but GMA executive producer, Simone Swink, won’t allow him to come back. She feels “very protective of her team.”

Rob Marciano [Source: YouTube]
[Source: YouTube]

Makes a brief appearance on GMA

Rob Marciano is only allowed to report throughout the country. He popped up briefly on Good Morning America on Thursday, April 6. Rob reported lived in Missouri after the latest string of tornadoes that ravaged the state. The deadly storms killed five people after a tornado touched down in one town.

Rob talked about the heartbreaking situation. In his two-minute segment, he revealed what happened to Glen Allen, Missouri. However, he noted that many other states and areas were also hit by the tornadoes. Unfortunately, the severe weather continues in parts of the Midwest and South.

“There’s some heartbreaking stuff out there,” Rob Marciano said during the report.

According to the Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, “at least one person” died as a result of the storms. Rob Marciano also covered the storms that devastated Mississippi at the end of March. He shared the heartbreaking news in a previous Instagram Story. He looked visibly upset as he showed the damage to his followers.

What are your thoughts on Rob Marciano sharing a heartbreaking report? Do you think ABC should drop its ban? Or, do you think he should receive repercussions for his actions? Sound off below in the comment section.

Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Rob Marciano.

Chanel Adams


  1. Meh I don’t care if he is allowed back in studio or not. As long as he continues to tell the weather I’m fine either way.

    1. Everyone is offended or uncomfortable in todays world. Everything has to be perfect or people today can’t function. Who cares?

  2. Absolutely not
    How many feel the heartbreaking news he has had in his life is horrible!!
    Give him a break!! He needs counseling or maybe some friends!!

  3. I think he should be allowed to come back in studio. You have already punished him by not letting him come back in studio. He’s trying to deal with the divorce, he might have been overwhelmed. Give him a break.

  4. Rob needs to be allowed back in the ABC studios. He was tormented, which divorce can do to you…. I’m sure he would be fine. Give the guy a break.

  5. He should be allowed to try again. Divorce is like death without the flowers and condolences. No one. NO ONE is at their best during grief. Give him a break. But he needs to shave!

  6. Definitely he should be let back on GMA. Give the guy a break he was going thru a divorce and that is no easy task to handle. Make someone feel uncomfortable I think he has been punished enough. I like him on air

  7. I feel that he should be slow back to the studio. He went through a rough patch in his life and he should be given a second chance. Love watching him!

  8. He was going through a very tough time. a divorce does a number on you. A man realizes he’s not going to have full access to his children and if it wasn’t his idea he has lost someone he loves very much. If he is getting his act together there is no reason to take another thing from him that means the world to him. Have some compassion for someone who as been dealt some awful blows and acted up out of character. He ows those people an apology if he hasn’t already done it.

  9. He is one of the best meteorologists.. let him back in studio. I don’t know what happened but it’s been long enough .. we really miss him on weekends with the gang it was a fun group with him

    1. RDT…sounds like this guy has been through A lot……time to forgive!!!!! Anyone who has not made a mistake….step forward!!!!
      Sounds like he needs a really good friend……prayer is needed for this man…

  10. Time to allow Rob back in the studio. We all have had tough days during family problems. Sadly he has had his “advertised” on national TV. As a meteorologist he is outstanding. Let him do the job he excels at and that which he was hired to do. We have all made mistakes in our lives but Rob’s have become a public discussion. We welcome him into our homes. He should now, be welcomed back to the studio.

  11. plz let Rob M.back at the weekend newsdesk for weekend ABC news and weather. He’s a v smart man that has made some mistakes.

  12. ABC New York have a lot of sh%#* with them. Rob M. Did nothing specifically. What an awful company to work for. Always some trumped up crazy accusations they come up with / with their news team. That’s why I stopped watching ABC specially GMA and the bull…

  13. Don’t you think he’s been punished enough? Bring him back please. We’ve all had tough times in our personal lives, a little counseling or therapy help us get out heads together..give him a break!

  14. Yes, Rob should be welcomed back…his fans are all behind him and wish him well.
    Please let him back into the ABC family.

  15. Bring him back. Corporate needs to remember their employee’s have real lives and can’t always switch everything off! isn’t that what makes the GMA team a family..they care. certainly will lose respect for GMA if they don’t bring him back.

  16. you ignorant goody goods. instead of getting him help yinz shun him. Gma is a joke. all that crap with Mr I am the man….robin….poor george… I quit watching this show a long time ago. it sucks. straihahn like who is he? I would rather watch cartoons.

  17. This seems like a pretty harsh penalty for whatever happened. We have no idea what it was, but the way it’s described it sounds like he had a very bad day. If it was much more than that or not, I hope the punishment is fitting the crime.

  18. Rob is a great meteorologist!! Bring him back To ABC!!!!
    People make mistakes. Forgiveness is called for in this situation!

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