David Woolley’s Daughter Reveals How She Feels About Christine

christine Brown - David Woolley Instagram

Kati Charlene, one of David Woolley’s children, took to both Instagram and TikTok to celebrate her father dating Christine Brown. In her first of several posts about the relationship, she admitted she was just excited that she could finally go public with bragging about who her father was in a relationship with.

Unsurprisingly, Sister Wives fans were pretty quick to flock to Kati Charlene’s Instagram and TikTok videos to see what she had to say. Moreover, fans attempted to probe the young lady for more information on the relationship. For example, one (of many) fans asked how Christine and David meant. Unfortunately, Kati made it pretty clear it wasn’t her place to share information on their relationship. So, she responded that Christine and David would share this information when they felt comfortable doing so.

Kati Charlene did, however, share how she felt about Christine dating her father. Likewise, she pointed fans in the direction of her other siblings that were comfortable with being in the public spotlight.

David Woolley - Christine Brown - Instagram
David Woolley – Christine Brown – Instagram

Sister Wives fans have mixed feelings on Kati Charlene and daddy

While it isn’t true of all Sister Wives fans, a lot of them consider themselves to be pretty protective of Christine Brown. For this reason, they love that she’s in a relationship but they hope she’ll protect herself and be careful about moving so quickly. Being a reality TV star, fans can’t help but worry someone would be interested in dating her simply for the attention that would come with it. This concern doesn’t dip that far from Kody Brown’s concerns of whether Christine’s new man will take a piece of his empire.

Kati Charlene - TikTok
Kati Charlene – TikTok

Sister Wives fans admit they don’t like David Woolley and his children using Christine Brown’s name as a hashtag. Fans worry that David and his children may try to use Christine’s following as a way to make some quick and easy cash.

Moreover, some fans have taken notice of some of his children having social media profiles that only have a few posts from the month of February. This includes one of his children that hadn’t posted on Instagram since 2016 before suddenly posting photos in the past couple of days. Suddenly showing up on social media has fans concerned they are trying to ride Christine’s coattails. Other fans, however, point out they could have simply made a new or secondary account for the purpose of having both a public and private profile.

Kati Charlene - TikTok
Kati Charlene – TikTok

How does David Woolley’s daughter like Christine Brown?

Christine Brown has essentially stepped into the mother position for David’s children which has been vacant for the past decade.  Kati explained in one video that her father had essentially spent the last decade performing double duty as both the mother and the father of his children.

Watch on TikTok

Kati told TikTok and Instagram that Christine is both nice and sweet. And, it sounds like Christine has been a welcomed addition to his family.

Allie Johnson

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