Janelle Brown Spills Tea On Robyn Depleting Family Funds

Sister Wives star Janelle Brown seemed insanely uncomfortable over the last few episodes. It’s been difficult for her to watch the other adults in the family argue and point fingers at one another. To make matters worse, Robyn even tried to drag Janelle into the drama at one point.
For now, Janelle seems content to stay out of the direct line of fire. She’s definitely supporting Christine but doesn’t want to fight any battles of her own. As time goes on, it becomes clear that Janelle is very invested in protecting her children and her own family’s best interests. After seeing the way the family has treated Christine, fans feel she’s making smart moves here.
Now, Janelle Brown says it’s her time to shine. She wants the family to spend some of the family budget on her instead of hoarding it all for Robyn. See what she had to say.
Janelle Brown points fingers at Robyn and Kody
Seasoned Sister Wives fans already know that Kody Brown favors Robyn. Over the years, a lot of the family budget has gone to help her needs and her children. When she joined the family, she came with a lot of debt. Robyn didn’t just monopolize Kody’s attention — she took up a lot of the family budget too. And now, some of the other wives are speaking up for themselves.

Fans have definitely taken note of the situation and aren’t at all pleased about it.
“Really great point someone made,” a Redditor shared on the platform recently. “Most of that ‘family money’ seems like has always been Janelle’s money. Kody never could keep a job. It’s a shame she has no assets to show for it while Robyn reaps the benefits.”
They shared a post that said, “[Janelle] has worked all her life, contributing a bulk amount of money to the post. It’s disgusting that she has nothing to show for it. [Robyn] has contributed nothing financially and got that huge house. Sell that to pay off the land.”

Most other users readily agreed with the OP on this one.
“They screwed you Janelle. Yea I don’t trust K&R either to honor you, honor your financial contributions, honor commitment to build a forever home for your fam,” one user said. Do you agree with Redditors here? Leave your own opinions in the comments below.
The drama will continue in next week’s episode
Christine may be the one in the hot seat at the moment, but many viewers think that it will be Janelle’s turn before very long.
Stay tuned for more information on Robyn, Janelle, and the rest of the Brown family. TLC will put out a brand new episode Sister Wives this Sunday night at 10 PM eastern time. Don’t miss out on the drama!
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kody loves himself and Robyn the other wife’s are cash cows only sad they need to sell the big house pay off the property and build all three wife’s a house on coyote pass an Kody needs to man up be a father /husband to all
They should SELL their section of Coyote Pass to Kody. Let he and Robin pay for the development of the property.
Kody and Robyn so disgusting I cannot watch the show any longer. Please Janelle run away!!! Save yourself!!!!
I agree with the other comments! Kody and Robin sit in Robins big house, while Janelle and pitiful Meri bring in all the money. At least Meri has a home, Janelle sits in a trailer and has nothing to show for all of the years she’s worked. Kody makes me sick, what a poor excuse for a man, let alone a father and a husband! I know Janelle loves Coyote pass, but I say, sell your land Janelle, move into an existing home where you and your children can live in love and peace. Say goodbye to the three musketeers, what a mess, you’ll be happier!!
TLC aired nothing less than spousal abuse! And the online one being abused is Christine. Kody may think 18 kids will grant him a special place in heaven, but his behavior towards his wives and kids won’t! What a hypocrite. He has taught his family to be dysfunctional. AND HE HAS TREATED ROBYN AND HER KIDS BETTER FROM DAY ONE. TLC needs to cancel Kody. No one’s fault nut his. He has reaped what he has sowed…literally.
I so agree. It’s all show! He has shown Robin and “their kids” and calls the other wives kids the mothers. He makes me sick!!
yes I totally agree kody is a rude, arrogant pig of a man and Robyn and him deserve eachother, Robyn with her false tears, they forget what meri did for them, plus all the hard work Janelle put in, good on you Christine for leaving, leave kody,and crocodile tears together they are 2 idle, lazy saps
I agree ? I can’t hardly stand to look at Robin and her fake tears. She is so full of crap! I really think she should keep her mouth shut and stay away from cameras. It’s obvious she is faking her tears. Poor pitty pitty Robin! Give me a break! I think they should cancel the show.
I hope Janelle realizes what Kody and Robyn are doing. He wants to build his own home so he and Robyn have more property. Robyn didn’t help with Kodys relationships with his other “sisterwives”. So she’s so heartbroken that Christine didn’t fight for her “marriage”. What marriage? She’s heartbroken cuz she might have to actually work. Janelle is smarter then both Kody and Robyn. They are panicing. Kody stfu and Robyn get a job bitch!! You’ve lived a pampered life so far that gravy train has pulled out of that station.
Kody & Robin are thieves. they used and deceived the other 3 wives and the house, land and the ugly art collection should be sold to pay them back
She already has thank God!
She’s left the tribe
Tell Janelle to get money for her property first!
I think Cody making the remark that him Robyn and their kids are were the focus is then he said and the other kids something and Meri and Joelle needs to run others are just woman helping Robyn and Cody
I am so sick of Kody whining about how he was done wrong by Christine. REALLY? He tells her that they will never have an intimate relationship again and she’s supposed to hang on there and live a lonely life?! He’s nuts! How he gave up so much to love her. I never saw any love there. they all should leave his sorry but and see how him and cry baby Robyn fend for themselves.
It’s time Kody honors someone buy himself and Robyn! It’s time to pay tribute to Janell!
She NEEDS a home, NOT a camper!! That’s not fair to her, Robyn brings $0 into the family Janell has always contributed! Boo on you Kody and Robyn for being so selfish!
Kody suck it up buttercup! You have said yourself, your words, Christine was impregnated because of DUTY!! How can you say that?? SELFISH-MAN!!
You’ve used your show to make money, spend it when you think it’s ok. You don’t olhonor these women, just Robyn. Even the first one to marry you gave us her marriage to make you happy and married Robyn. Shame on you, you want nothing to do with the other wife’s, shouldn’t have made that bed. Pull your head out Kody!!
Kody took the youngest of his wives, who came into the picture with nothing and living off of the other wives. All she did was take. Janelle should ask for some of the money that was used to purchase Robyn’s house. She should not leaved empty handed. AND she and Christine should not forget the child support!
I’m so sick of Cody ,,,he is truly an ass
They are all crazy! How can 4 women be so stupid. I don’t blame anyone for all of their problems. They should have know better!!!!
HA HA Curly Top! He is hitting rock bottom and sinking. I assure you Janelle and Christine won’t try and save you and Robin either.Verbally abused Christine, Janelle, and Meri for Robin. She is a con artist and she has you wrapped around her little finger. You are not the victim here. Those women and their children are the victims of your nasty vile way of trying to control them. No wonder Utah doesn’t want you ever back. I see it now. Janelle will rise above this with the true love and support from her children and Christine. Live with Robin and watch how you lose that house you live in and move to an apartment. That’s all he’s going to be able to afford. I hope Christine and Janelle gt their own show. And it’s called breaking away Sister wives.
You could not have said that better, I highly agree . And TLC Shame on you allowing Cody or cootie and drama queen sibyl fake Robyn, to use that family and air it. Don’t you have standards? He and Sobyn are disgusting, please stop thier show and make a spin off of Janelle and Christine and their children
I agree 100% and please put him in his place at the bottom. All 4 of these women should get out and be so thankful!!
What the hell would Robyn do with 5 kids? She cant support them. Janelle should not never agreed to use money to get Robyn a house. He wanted the Janelle, Meri and Christine to be loyal with no love and support he, Robyn and their children. Robyn certainly can’t help.
I hope they get theirbown show too. carry on women. you are strong.
Yes, Christine and Janelle.
may Kody and Robin get what they deserve. oh! Guess that wouldn’t be much would it?
Cody and Robin are both pos You see Robin’s 2 oldest are still living off the family.Strange since all of the other adult children have jobs and live on their own,Robin has always been a whining bag of wind out for her self doesn’t have to work has to have a nanny,she couldn’t raise the first 3 always had to have help wasn’t it Mykelti who had to help her with them so she and Cody could go out she also had to have a honeymoon paid for by the other wives like I said pos
Kody made Janelle’s boys move out and get a job when they turned 18 yet The Queen’s older children continue to live in her million dollar home. why don’t they take over the nanny’s responsibilities and let the many go to save some money. Better yet why doesn’t The Queen get off her lazy butt and get a job.
Robin and Cody are selfish, greedy soul suckers who use and abuse the sister wives. They should all jump ship and sue him for child support. Why should Robin get a nanny? She only has 2 kids who are already in school. Give that money to the other sister wives.
I like Christine but she used to take Cody side with everything. Cody and Robyn schemed Meri so they could be legally married and remember they would help Meri buy the Inn. Also, he treats Robyn children better than his own. He is so dramatic. Robyn has never had sister wives. She is so dirty and that fake crying.God they are awful.
I am not fond of Robin. Something about her irritates me. I like the other wives. I would leave him though. Im glad the other wife did. Who wants to be in a loveless marriage… Come on now
Janelle should leave kodi now before she puts anymore money for coyote place. Don’t give k&R anything just leave and k&R will be the only ones who will have to pay for the land and they might lose it all.
kody and Robyn deserve to sit and rot in the shot pot that they javelin stirred, what’s the saying “he who stirs the shit pot should have to lick the spoon” get to licking Robyn. Robyn is the reason the family has fallen apart she feels she is an entitled little princess and she should be taken care of and her entitled lazy children should be worshipped just like her. personally I think that Robyn and her daughters need to get off their high and mighty pedalstools and get jobs to contribute to the family that they have been bleeding dry since they first came on the screen. I feel that Kody needs to wake up and open his eyes to what has really happened to his family and who actually caused it to all fall apart that being his “precious.” She knew what she was going to do and what she’s been doing from the very beginning but what she wasn’t expecting was for any of the other wives to catch on and jump ship. She wanted the peasants to support her while she lived the life of the evil step mother and ugly sister wife. Good for Christine for taking her part of the money away hopefully soon Janelle and Meri will too so that Robyn will have to sit in the shit she stirred.
leave Janelle…who would want kody anyway?? plural marriage gives the man all the benefits..run away don’t walk..no longer be a part if such a so called religion….its a farce…men love it
I have stopped watching the show because of Kody and Robyn. it was obvious at the beginning that he wanted her over the other wives, and she kept pretending to be a peacemaker and all along she was scheming for herself. Meri should never have given her marriage status to the witch. I rather watch a spinoff with Janelle and Christine. The things he said to Christine, these he say about Meri, and what he hints around about Janelle they all should move on. Oh yeah, Robyn is full of fake tears and bs. The other kids need to stick with their mothers, because that is where the real LOVE is at.
I watched the show for a very long time and I know Janelle worked and helped save the money and Robyn has done nothing but set on her butt and try to look pretty her and Cody both r cons I wish they would stop the sister wives show and do a spin off with Christine and Janelle and their children Kody needs someone to check him and I’m just waiting on Janelle to put Robyn in check if I was Janelle I’d take him for everything I could get him for and ladies in the comments y’all have an awesome idea to stop sister wives and do a spin off with Janelle and Christine and Meri should’ve kicked Robyn’s butt when she kicked her dog like I said Cody and Robyn both cons and most of all piece’s of💩💩they deserve each other honestly
Robyn and Matt Gaetz, separated at birth.
I hope Janelle realizes her worth.I can’t stand him.Robyn get a job.
I don’t understand how Kody can say he hasn`t gotten respect from Christine &Janelle. I think he doesn’t respect them. He is always complaining that he works so hard to provide for his family, the only ones that I see working are the wives except Robin. She sits in her castle and does what? Does she watch her kids or the Nanny. Does she just sit and wait for Kody to come home and take care of his needs, and Kody he rather pay someone to watch his kids. What kind of father does that? I feel for the wives except Robin. She just wanted security for her and her older children. Don’t get me started on her older daughter.
kodi is a complete con man as is Robyn, I have never seen anyone cry so much but never shed a tear. I am proud of Christine for waking up to his schemes, I feel so sorry for Meri she just takes all the crap. I can’t wait for Jannelle to blow her top that will be a programme to watch.
Good luck Janelle your worth is immeasurable. Share it with a partner who respects you. You are an attractive valuable person know your worth and leave that ugly couple. Meri needs to wake up and smell the coffee. God bless you and Christine have happy lives.
I watched this show years ago when they first started, everyone living in one house, they seemed to lovingly take care of each other back then. They didn’t have much either. I watched the latest show with this family’s wealth, and shocked at the verbal abuse coming out of that man’s mouth toward Janelle & Christine. Horrible to think he talks to the mothers of his children like that, no wonder they won’t come home or have alot to do with him anymore. Robyn sits in her expensive big house, and has the nerve to insist they remain one big happy family for her personal fulfilment. She stood with Kody to condemn Christine, when she decided to move on from the hurt and sadness of abandonment. So Janelle needs to cut her losses before Kody finishes her off financially; her days as a sister wife are over, and she needs to start thinking of a future like Christine had to do. Best to both Christine & Janelle.
i can’t believe that Kody doesn’t see chaos and disharmony he has brought into his family. he did this, not meri, Christine or Janelle. he doesn’t see when you treat people with respect, love and understanding you get the same in return. I know meri technically cheated on Kody, but she was in a really bad place.. their marriage was already on the rocks. he knows if he had tried to support her and been there for her at this dark time, the catfish probably wouldn’t have happened. as for Robyn we all know want a conniver she is and so does Kody..he loves it! Kody is learning from her. watch out future wives.
Robyn and Kody are cons, they took everything from the other wives. He isn’t a real man cause men don’t treat women or children the way he did. And as far as Robyn’s spoiled brats they take after their mom all fake. Time to get a job !!!
All I hope for is the 3 Ladies and their children get their fair share of the fruits of their labor. Hey if you ladies worked to support yourselves and children theirs no reason why (#5) can’t do the same… She’s not better than you all. Why the hell does she need a nanny or house keeper either one…The others never got anything except (used & abused)…
Cody keeps saying how busy he is. Doing what? Stated he earns $200 an hour. Sure, he does!
It’s all about him and Robyn and no one else. I hope Janelle got out with a fair share of what she is owed
I have watched Sister Wives for years. I can’t stand Cody. I lost all respect for him when he insisted that his wives move from Las Vegas and when he acted nuts during the Pandemic. He thinks he’s so hot. He’s not! His wives should have gotten out years ago. I noticed that he and Robin were living in a palace while his other wives were not. Cody needs to stop whining. He’s the one who caused the breakup due to his behavior. He’s lucky he had his wives as long as he did. I would have left him long ago!