‘BIP’ Preview Reveals Broken Hearts, Shakeups

BIP via YouTube

This season of BIP has been dramatic, to say the least. Men and women have made decisions about their relationships that have shocked people. Genevieve Parisi and Aaron Clancy fought for apparently no reason. Fans are divided on how they feel about their relationship. Some are on her side and some are on his side. All agree they will have a fiery relationship both on and off the beach if they stay together.

The most dramatic thing that happened was the girls being sent away to stay in a hotel while the boys met new girls on the beach. This led to some new connections and some heartbreak. The preview for next week appears to show something happening that really shakes up everyone. Clips show the whole beach is upset as everyone hugs and cries. Read on to see what the preview could mean for those left on the beach.

BIP Preview Shows More Drama Is On The Way

The BIP trailer started out promising more shenanigans. Wells Adams is riding a donkey and then making chocolate-dipped bananas while yelling about it. Several couples are shown kissing and soaking in time with each other. The trailer continues with Kate Gallivan confiding in Shanae Ankney which surprises everyone. She is saying Logan is great, but Hayden has money.

BIP Preview, YouTube
BIP Preview, YouTube

According to Bachelor Nation as everyone cries someone can be heard in a voiceover saying, “I never thought that this could happen here.” The whole cast is crying and Kate says, “that broke me.” Knowing how producers like to run things, this could be completely different than what everyone thinks it’s about. There’s a lot of speculation, but no one will truly know until it airs. The cast members are starting to think about the end and if there is an engagement in their future.

Fans Think They Know Why Everyone Is Crying

BIP fans think they’ve figured out why everyone is upset. Eliza Isichei has been struggling since Justin Glaze returned to the beach to pursue her. She’d previously been forming a connection with Rodney Matthews who everyone loves. Fans think maybe he leaves and that hurts everyone’s feelings.

BIP Preview, YouTube
BIP Preview, YouTube

One fan on YouTube guessed what was going on. They said, “The only person‘s departure on the beach that would have everybody in tears, in my opinion, would be Rodney because literally, everyone loves him. I mean except for Eliza apparently which I will never understand.” The preview also shows Eliza feeling very conflicted about having to choose between the two of them.

What do you think has everyone so upset? Do you think it’s because Rodney is leaving or something completely different? Comment with your thoughts down below.

Emily Walker

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