‘ILAMB’ Matt McAdams Accused Of Domestic Abuse, Details

Matt McAdams-Instagram

I Love A Mama’s Boy star Matt McAdams has been accused of domestic abuse by an ex but which one is it? More so, when did this incident happen? More so, is there any action being taken? Matt and his mother, Kelly are back for Season 4 of the hit TLC series but could this impact them in any way? Keep reading for more details.

Matt McAdams Accused Of Domestic Abuse, Details

I Love A Mama’s Boy is a very interesting and also odd TLC reality series. It is all about men and their overly close relationships with their sons. These relationships can often impact whether or not they can have functioning romances and more times than not, it does fail. Matt McAdams and his mother, Kelly have been on ILAMB since Season 1 and she essentially rules his life. His parents opted to build a home for him and his fiancee, Kimberly Cobb. Unfortunately, Kelly was the one in control. It soon felt like Kim and Matt had no say as to what went into their own house.

Kimberly Cobb/Instagram
Kimberly Cobb-Instagram

Kimberly was lucky enough to get an amazing job opportunity in another state but she saw very quickly that Matt could not leave Kelly behind. They ended their engagement and she moved on with her life. Matt and Kelly returned for more and his relationships continued to be sabotaged by his mother. Now, according to Meaww, the truth about Matt and Kimberly has been revealed. Back in February 2022, Kimberly filed for a protective order for domestic abuse against Matt.

This never played out on ILAMB which is suspicious. That being said, Kimberly’s mother, Nicole Schnehimider slammed TLC for allowing Matt McAdams to still be allowed on the network. She proceeded to refer to Matt as a narcissist, emotionally and physically controlling. Kim can not speak on what happened but her mother is exempt. Therefore, she claimed TLC ended her daughter’s contract after the accusations of physical abuse came out. Yet, Kim has spoken out a little bit about the ultimate downfall of their relationship, saying it was not all Kelly.

Public Shaming

After Kimberly Cobb confirmed she would not be back for Season 3, she did share her breaking points with Matt McAdams. They included him cursing her out in public, and a lack of support, honesty, and respect. It is unclear if anything happened with the domestic violence situation but Kim has moved on. As for Matt, he is now a part of Season 4 of I Love A Mama’s Boy and still trying to find love. He seems to take Kelly on a first date which does not go over well.

Do you believe what Kimberly has to say and are you shocked he is still on TLC? Or, does nothing surprise you about this network anymore? Let us know and watch ILAMB Mondays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. I’m a mother of 2 grown sons, I would never, NEVER try to compete with their women. This show is sickening and Matt & Kelly are the worst. It’s on the verge of incest, and TLC loves it. I was surprised they’re back for another season.

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