How Many Baby Daddies Does Mama June Have?

Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird, Jessica Shannon, Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson, Mama June-YouTube

How many baby daddies does Mama June Shannon have? She had four daughters before Anna Cardwell passed in December 2023. Now, fans are trying to figure out if any of these girls have the same father or if they all come from different men. Keep reading for more details and fan speculations.

How Many Baby Daddies Does Mama June Have?

In the most recent episode of Family Crisis, Mama June was discussing the custody of her granddaughter, Kaitlyn. She is the eldest daughter of the late Anna Cardwell and right now, it is unclear where she should live. Anna did not want to deal with making custody decisions because that meant she would have to think about her own mortality. Toward the end, June pushed paperwork on her as she wanted custody of Kaitlyn. However, Anna wanted her current husband, Eldridge Toney listed, as well. After Anna passed, June went to see a lawyer as the paperwork was unfinished.

Mama June-YouTube
Mama June-YouTube

Kylee went to live with her father and Anna’s ex-husband, Michael Cardwell who also wanted custody of Kaitlyn. He felt that he had raised Kaitlyn since she was a baby and wanted to keep the sisters together. June then went on to say that they had no idea who Kaitlyn’s biological father was. She further added that they tested five or six men with no results. That hit viewers badly for many reasons and now, they want to know how many baby daddies June has. So much so that a Reddit thread was started to get some answers. The OP asked this:

  • Does June have 4 baby daddys or 3? Are Punkin and Jess full siblings with the same daddy or are they like the rest of the girls with different daddys?

So, what is the answer to that and how many fathers are there?

  • I think she has three there’s Anna’s father, She said on Dr. Phil that pumpkin and Jessica have the same dad, And then Alana‘s father sugar bear.
  • They have different dads. From my understanding, June does not know who pumpkins father is.
  • There are four father’s. 

Breaking It Down

One follower went on to break it completely down and this is what they said about all of Mama June’s alleged baby daddies:

  • Anna’s dad is David Dunn. Jessica and Pumpkin’s dad is Michael Ford. Pumpkin thought her father was the p*do that abused poor Anna, Mark McDaniel. According to June they share a father. Then of course Sugar bear is Alana’s poppa.

It seems that the general consensus is that there are three fathers for the four children with Pumpkin and Jessica being the only two who are not half-sisters. However, this could be completely false. So, maybe June should not air Anna’s personal daddy drama out there and let her rest in peace.

Do you have any idea how many fathers there are or are you in the dark, as well? Let us know and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren


  1. Let’s face it she’ll get Soc Security for Kaitlyn because her parenting skills are lacking. I feel sorry for her husband.

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